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  1. Classified emails are bad enough:

    But what about all the so called “personal” emails she was allowed to wipe clean that would have sealed her fate by showing her clearly using her position as SOS to sell access for donations to the Clinton Foundations? Charles Krauthammer is on record as stating that he has believed all along that Hillary Clinton set up the private email server for the express purpose of carrying out the pay-to-play program.

    The Clintons seem to be losing this battle, so they have changed tactics. Now, as we see in the news today, there is a renewed effort to focus on the fiction of the Russians are in here trying to “undermine” the election…whatever that means. I guess she can not use her “vast right-wing conspiracy shtick anymore, so any port in a storm!

      • THE THING IS……..The Russians ARE trying to undermine the election.

        TRUMP’s balance sheet for is overleveraged with Russian financier’s loans.
        They are members of Putin’s cabinet.
        It is why Trump is so friendly to Putin…..and WHY Trump is trying to help Putin take Ukraine.

        Russian’s undermining the election?

        OF COURSE! Are you an idiot?
        Unless Trump wins……the Russians are OUT OF LUCK. All that investment in Trump’s Presidency is worthless unless they can get him to the White House and then control him.

        (Can we stipulate, that these are MUCH, MUCH tamer connections about Trump and Russian connections…..than 100% of the pure bullshit that Pressanykey posts here daily?
        For God’s sake, the Trump children themselves bragged about “the overleveraging of Russian financing on the Trump balance sheet” …….and……Trump removed the Ukraine protection provisions in case of Russian invastion from the RNC Platform. So Press, put that in your pipe and smoke it.)

          • If you want to look at balance sheets, lets look at the Clinton Foundation’s balance sheets. A good portion of that money was sent here for the express purpose of influencing an election, right? You damn right it was!

          • Sorry. Too thin. Too thin.
            Being in dangerous debt to Russia and Putin’s Commie Thugs is not even comparable to someone making donations to try to buy political influence.
            Hell, even Trump donated to Hillary Clinton.

          • a plain example of the years of liberal policies concerning public education. Dummy down the American electorate and they will believe in Mother Goose.

    • You know, I think the author has something there; if you were to ask people on the street whether they associate Hillary Clinton more with scandal, or more with accomplishments, I think the overwhelming number of people would say they associate her more with scandals.

        Well, the toothless, redneck ignorant savages would agree with you Press.
        I mean, you bet! You got those votes wrapped up!!

          • Reality TV shows are popular Pressanykey.
            I mean, you watch the Kardshians, the fat mom w/ the baby, the apprentice, the dope smoking duck guys….
            ……you reality TV people, you all show up for Trump rallies. That picture is a room full of Sarah Palin’s Drunken Family fans, and they love Trump.

          • And Clinton supporters watch Dating Naked, the Batchelor, the Batchelorette, American Idol, and the Walking Dead…

    • “I’m going to build a Huge, magnificent impenetrable wall that will keep everything out but the trucks hauling in my suits.”……..

      Is that a Hillary Clinton quote? When is she going to retire old crusty, you know, the blue one?

      • BTW she already built the WALL around her place, complete with CCTV and paid security guards. Nothing too good for the QUEEN you know.

  2. I’ve gotta say it… the Beast just took a full 5 minutes to be able to speak into the microphone. A long arm slipped her a bolus, which she ate. A little later they gave her what appeared to be a small metal device, possibly a dope pipe, which she feigned not knowing what to do with. Painful to watch. Good Rump commercial fodder. When she regained speech it was a weak, feeble voice. The voice of a woman dying on the dais. She squeaked out that it was an allergy to Trump, but couldn’t follow with that horrific trademark laugh.

    Earlier Pence was seen slinking around the stage in full drag with a vial he said contained holy water. He left the area in a black Suburban when the Beast’s coughing started.

    She will be our next president.

    • That was really hard to watch. She should have just stopped the speech and called it a day. You are absolutely right. I can see the Trump attack dogs running that video over and over again come Nov. But she is not a quitter and forced herself to continue.

      • when the Clinton Cash is at stake, she will not be glossy incompetent ..only when our national security is at stake.

        • Are you still alive Ruffus? Were we at risk when Big O became President?

          All I hear is Hillary will be a third term of the Obama administration. If so, shouldn’t you be alive 4 years from now Ruff?

          Exactly how would our national security be at risk if Hillary wins?

          Doesn’t it make sense when it comes to national security that the candidate that has never held a political office where you have no idea what he actually thinks or believes, has never read the Constitution, lies 76% of the time compared to Hillary’s 28%, thinks our soldiers who get captured deserve no respect, is the champion of Putin, Kim Jung F__Head, and JoeBiden, tells us his King Daddy immigration policy is to be determined later and doesn’t believe a judge can be fair because he doesn’t look like him, isn’t your best choice when it comes to national security?

          Let me know what you think Ruff. This charade is something I wish I never would have experienced in my life.

          But it’s here front and center….

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