Senator Mike Braun’s Statement On Coronavirus Federal Assistance Phase 2


U.S. Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) released the following statement regarding his intention to vote in support of phase two of the coronavirus assistance package.

“As a Main Street entrepreneur, it’s clear the coronavirus phase two assistance package is far from perfect, but we live in a divided government and it has my support because it adds resources to our healthcare system and helps families and small business owners who have been directly affected by the coronavirus.

“As we move to the next funding phase, I will work with the Trump administration to avoid the mistakes of previous corporate bailouts, while continuing to fight for individuals and small business owners affected by the coronavirus.

“Finally, I commend President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Dr. Deborah Birx, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and all of our healthcare professionals for their hard work. It’s important for Hoosiers to wash their hands, limit their time in public, help their neighbors, and together we will defeat the coronavirus.”