Senator Evan Bayh Responds to Editor on Responsibilities of Congress and Government to the American People


Thank you for contacting me regarding the responsibilities of Congress and government to the American people. I appreciate hearing your thoughts and understand your concerns.

I share your belief that elected officials owe a duty to use tax dollars responsibly, and that excesses should be eliminated. Government agencies must be charge with running efficiently, and serving the needs of Americans. During consideration of FY2010 Budget Act (S.CON.RES 13), I supported an amendment requiring that the substance of legislation, including cost estimates, be made publicly available on the internet for five days before a vote is permitted in the Senate.

Americans increasingly believe that government is unable to achieve meaningful progress. In my view, Congress and the Executive Branch ought to be instruments for creating opportunities and overcoming the numerous challenges we face, including facilitating economic growth, bolstering national security, curbing health care and education costs, and achieving energy independence. Though Americans may disagree on the appropriate strategies, most aspire to the same outcome – a better country to pass along to the next generation.

I consider it my obligation to assist Hoosiers in matters involving the federal government. If you believe Congress is not addressing your concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Moreover, if you have specific thoughts on how Congress can improve, I recommend that you share your thoughts with me.

Again, thank you for contacting me. I hope the information I have provided has been helpful. My website,, can provide additional details about my work in the Senate, including legislation and state projects. You can also sign up for occasional email updates. I value your input and hope you will continue to keep me informed of the issues that matter to you.

Office of Senator Evan Bayh
(202) 224-5623