Senator Braun’s Weekly Update | Smart Restart, Protecting Small Business from PPP Tax Liability


Senator Braun joined MSNBC Live to discuss how to protect the most vulnerable in nursing homes from COVID-19, Indiana’s plan for a smart reopen of the economy and how to reopen the country at large on a county-by-county, state-by-state basis.

Senator Braun joined Bloomberg’s Balance of Power to discuss the smart reopening of Indiana’s economy, and protecting our fruit and vegetable supply chains from destruction by expanding the Trump administration’s use of the Defense Protection Act to include them.

Meet the Press Daily: Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) says he is “OK with adjusting the approach” in response to reports of White House coronavirus task force winding down.

Senator Braun joined Stu Varney on Fox Business’s Varney & Co. to discuss Indiana’s play to reopen the Hoosier economy and why Congress needs to fix its budget dysfunction sooner with new COVID-19 relief spending.

U.S. Senator Mike Braun announced his intent to introduce legislation when he returns to Washington to fully protect small businesses from tax liability associated with loans forgiven under the Paycheck Protection Program. The Safeguarding Small Business Act clarifies that there is no tax liability associated with loans forgiven under the Paycheck Protection Program. 

Northeast Indiana Rep. Jim Banks and Sen. Mike Braun were both recognized by one of the country’s leading conservative political action committees for their voting records.

Braun also scored highly in his first-ever ranking, recording a 95% match with the ACU’s priorities. 

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