Senator Braun Votes ‘No’ On $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill


WASHINGTON – Senator Mike Braun released the following statement following his vote against the $1.7 omnibus spending bill, text of which was first released late on Monday night.

“I voted against the omnibus bill because we can’t keep running America into the ditch with wasteful spending bills negotiated behind closed doors and rammed through the last minute. We’re $31 trillion in debt, and every Hoosier is paying for it. They deserve better.” – Senator Mike Braun

Senator Braun first came out against the omnibus bill on December 1st, with an op-ed calling for a short-term spending bill to keep the government open until the Republican House majority the American people voted for could be sworn in on January 3. Senator Braun called for his Senate Republican colleagues to reject any spending bill negotiated by the outgoing Democratic House majority led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Earlier this year, Senator Braun forced a vote on the Senate floor on his own balanced federal budget.

On Tuesday this week, Senator Braun spoke at a press conference with conservative Senate colleagues with all 4,155 pages of the bill in front of them:


  1. Of course Braun lost this fight too.
    He’s a Republican with Trump as the head of the Republican Party!

    The GOP is so weak with Trump as the head of the GOP.
    Nancy Pelosi owned Donald Trump the whole time he was in office.
    Trump was effectively driven from Office because of Pelosi.
    Weak, weak, weak, now old, and a thing of the past.

    It was a slaughter.
    Nancy Pelosi ripped up the pages of his speeches as Trump was speaking to Congress, made fun of him and did little bird hand-clapping above his head as Trump was speaking to Congress.

    Chalk it up. $1.7B Spending Bill. LOSE AGAIN Republican Party!
    No wonder Braun is going to leave the Senate to become the next Indiana Governor.
    He won’t have to report to Trump. Bye, bye GOP.

    Weak, pathetic losers. That’s what the GOP has become with Trump at the head of the Republican Party.

  2. How brave- Braun KNEW the vote would pass, OR ,was he in favor of a government shut down? Ala Newt Gingrich? He wants to be OUR Governor? Is a tactic Hostettler used many times. Check the vote count then come out as the taxpayer hero. Folks, the government must move forward. Shutting down the government won’t fix a thing.

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