WASHINGTON – Senator Mike Braun released the following statement on the House of Representatives’ vote to formalize the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, which will grant the House the ability to better enforce subpoenas.

“An impeachment inquiry is the only way we’re going to get to the truth. Hunter Biden was selling influence abroad for millions and Joe Biden was ‘the brand,’ as Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer testified. As Vice President, Joe Biden spoke with Hunter’s business associates over 20 times and used a fake email address to receive and send emails from his son’s associates and to notify Hunter Biden when he would be calling the Ukrainian president. These facts must be followed, but President Biden’s politicized DOJ and the White House have stonewalled at every turn. The House should vote to begin an impeachment inquiry; it’s the only way to follow the facts – and the money – where they lead.” – Senator Mike Braun


  1. .
    Hunter Biden is clearly a fool. He clearly deserves criminal prosecution.

    Many of the fools in the Trump GOP today, feel highly insecure about Donald Trump’s chances in the Court of Law. The evidence Trump sent scumbag terrorists to KILL COPS and attack the Capitol Building ARE ON TAPE!

    So. When you’re in a panic? What do you do? You try to change the subject by trying to impeach Biden. Is there any evidence Joe Biden deserves to be charged? NO. Braun even said the same right in this article.

    But they want to go fishing and find some, if they can. The evidence against Trump is clearly visible and known The President? NOPE.

    The Trump GOP is scared, weak-minded, and they behave like sniveling cornered weasels. Matt Gaetz. Victory for Russia. Rudolph Guiliani. Marjorie Taylor-Greene. Not people of substance. Do a lot of loud talking. But they have nothing to back up their claims, or BRAUN WOULD NOT NEED TO FISH FOR THAT, he would say exactly what that evidence was.

  2. Speaking of fools how ya doing unAmerican Jack Clark
    Obiden should be charged with treason for allowing all the illegal aliens to enter our country,the vp and mayorkas should also be charged with treason,
    Have a nice day

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