The Bill Would Ensure Abortion Providers Treat Fetal Remains With Respect Rather Than As Medical Waste
I believe all human life deserves a dignified burial, and fetal remains deserve to be treated with respect – not as medical waste.
Sadly, irreverence toward fetal remains like Dr. Klopfer’s grotesque collection is not an isolated incident. For example, in 2015 a Minnesota hospital threw out the body of a stillborn child with their dirty laundry.
Indiana led the way on this issue when Governor Mike Pence signed a 2016 law protecting the dignity of fetal remains, upheld by the Supreme Court last year in Box v. Planned Parenthood.
This legislation, the Dignity for Aborted Children Act, builds on Indiana’s success and provides guidelines for handling fetal remains and penalties for failing to respect the sanctity of human life, and ensures that crimes like Dr. Klopfer’s have consequences.
This bill would require abortion providers to dispose of the remains of unborn children just as any other human remains, or to release the remains to the family should they wish. Â
This bill does not tell anyone what to do with their body – it only holds human fetuses to a higher standard of dignity than medical waste.
Last week, this body could not agree to ban abortions after science tells us fetuses are capable of feeling pain.
This body could not agree to ensure that babies born alive after botched abortions should receive the same standard of care as a baby born in a hospital.
At the very least, we should be able to agree to treat the remains of unborn children with the reverence befitting a human life rather than as medical waste.
Thank you Senator Braun for making Indiana proud or your fine representation of our State. Keep up the good work and for helping POTUS to drain the swamp.
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