Sen. Braun Urging NLRB Chairman to Reverse Inconsistent Rule for Franchises


     WASHINGTON— Senator Mike Braun led 67 Republican lawmakers in writing a letter to National Labor Relations Board Chairman Lauren M. McFerran to oppose the Board’s joint employer proposed rule that is inconsistent with the common law, circumvents Congressional authority, and will negatively impact the nation’s economy and their constituents.

    “The Board’s joint-employer proposed rule would have immediate and long-term negative effects on millions of workers and thousands of businesses at a time when the economy is already facing the highest inflation rates in four decades. Franchises in particular would be negatively impacted should the proposed rule go into effect. By moving forward with this misguided proposed rule, the Board would overwhelmingly hurt entrepreneurs who are utilizing the franchise model to own their own business. Many of these entrepreneurs are women, minorities, and veterans, thirty-two percent of whom say that they would not own a business without franchising,” the lawmakers wrote.

    “Due to this negative economic impact, the proposed rule’s inconsistency with common law, and the NLRB’s attempt to use powers reserved to Congress, we urge the Board not to move forward with its proposed rule for determining joint-employer status. Instead, the Board should maintain the 2020 rule, which brought clarity and certainty to the business community,” the lawmakers continued.

    Senators joining Sen. Braun on this letter include Sens. McConnell, Thune, Barrasso, Cornyn, Risch, Blackburn, Lankford, Inhofe, Collins, Hagerty, Tuberville, Johnson, Paul, Marshall, Daines, Young, T. Scott, Cramer, Blunt, Hoeven, Boozman, Fischer, Cotton, R. Scott, Capito, Grassley, Cruz, Lee, Rubio, Tillis, Toomey, Lummis, Graham, Crapo, Kennedy, Moran, Cassidy, Shelby, Romney, Ernst and Rounds.

    Representatives on the letter include Foxx, Thompson, Walberg, Grothman, Stefanik, Allen, Banks, Comer, Fulcher, Keller, Miller-Meeks, Owens, Good, McClain, Harshbarger, Miller, Spartz, Fitzgerald, Steel, Jacobs, Finstad, Sempolinski, Crawford and Budd.