Home Community News SEAC’s unveiling of The Millennial Plan for 2040

SEAC’s unveiling of The Millennial Plan for 2040



We personally invite you to attend the Sustainable Evansville Area Coalition(SEAC)’s unveiling of The Millennial Plan for 2040. Your VOICE about our region’s sustainability was heard and featured in this study! So, we ask you to help celebrate the unveiling of your vision for the future of our region. 
This Thursday, April 10 at Old National Events Plaza (formerly The Centre) 5 p.m.
HEALTHY GREEN SPACE: 4/8/14 @ Wesselman Woods 6 pm
(focusing on parks, gardens, beautification)
CITY CORE: 4/22/14 @ Arts Council 6 pm
(focusing on neighborhoods, business development, riverfront, interconnectedness)
EXPERIENCES: 4/29/14 @ Tin Man 6 pm
(focusing on art, music, teen fun, active lifestyles, health/nutrition, food/drink, scavenger hunts)