Schools Were Quick To Downplay ILEARN Results, But Experts Stand By The Test. Here’s Why


Schools Were Quick To Downplay ILEARN Results, But Experts Stand By The Test. Here’s Why


  1. E. D. Hirsch, Jr.’s “The Schools We Need and Why We Don’t Have Them,” pinpoints the real problem in the system: our hideous Schools of Teacher Education and their obscene focus on “process” rather than knowledge content.

  2. Superintendent Smith will regurgitate the same old excuses about ILearn being different and it taking time to adapt. The teachers will cry that they don’t have enough money to “teach” the students properly and the parents will continue to ignore their part undoing what is best for their children (because it interrupts their “me” time). The school system is a catastrophe, its just no one involved cares enough to look past the upbeat news stories presented by our “pre programmed” news outlets. Teachers are less intelligent and therefor cannot teach the students they have. These students are less intelligent and can’t pass standards, so the school systems dumb down requirements to pass students along. Colleges have to dumb down their admission standards to be able to bring students to campus (all for the $ involved). These same colleges must graduate a certain munger of bodies to get $ from the state, so they dumb down their graduation policies. It are these same colleges that produce the public school teachers who teach your kids. Its a never ending cycle of dumbing down American culture

    Changes can’t be made because the administration are all ex-teachers, so they aren’t going against the NEA and ATF by challenging the educators to actually perform. The unions will continue to force districts to pay $ to teachers who are less qualified to teach than students from 15 years ago. Parents and communities have to step up and take the schools back from the unions and low quality educators.

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