Scheller to present on eclipses ahead of USI Solarpalooza


Dr. Kent Scheller, University of Southern Indiana Professor of Physics, will present Eclipses and Humans: Science, Shock and Awe at 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 20 in WA1, located in the Wright Administration Building, ahead of USI’s Solarpalooza event happening Sunday and Monday, April 7-8, on campus. The presentation is open to the public at no charge.

Scheller will explore how eclipses happen, types of eclipses and the necessary safety measures needed to view an eclipse. He will then dive into how eclipses have affected humans over the millennia with examples in history, war, religion, literature, film and the animal kingdom.

“Eclipses have impacted humans for thousands of years, and we are no different,” says Scheller. “Then, it was dragons devouring the sun, now it’s the moon.  Regardless, the heavens will put on a show for us, and we will have rare, front row seats on The Quad.”

USI will host Solarpalooza Sunday and Monday, April 7-8, beginning with a talk by trailblazing electrical engineer and retired NASA astronaut Joan Higginbotham, at 7 p.m. Sunday, April 7 in the Screaming Eagles Arena, followed by a full day of experiential learning and engagement on Monday, April 8, the day of the eclipse.