Schedule of Lunch Learn & Share Programs at Evansville War Museum


Here are the upcoming presentations for the Evansville War Museum Lunch, Learn, and Share program.

January 2– Battle of Iwo Jima. Presented by Daryl Hopple

January 16 – Beauty and Bullets. Presented by Stephani Pitchers

February 6 – United States Medal of Honor. Presented by Bruce Green.

February 20 – Kenneth Weyerbacher B26 Pilot & Ralph Weyerbacher Post WWI Airships. Presented by Mike Reeder

March 6 – Flak in World War II. Presented by Kevin Reid

March 20 – Guadalcanal Campaign. Presented by Peter Blanc, M.D.

To register for an upcoming Lunch Learn & Share program email your reservation to or call the Museum at (812) 424-7461