Rose-Hulman tutors ready to help with science, math assignments by Wendy McNamara

Tutors with the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology are ready to help students in grades 6-12 who find themselves struggling with math or science assignments. With AskRose, tutors majoring in math, science or engineering are trained to help young Hoosiers better comprehend homework questions, arrive at the answers themselves, and prepare to tackle similar questions on their own.

When students are stuck on a math or science problem, they can call, email or chat online with a tutor. At the start of the session, the tutor reviews the problem, then guides students until they understand the solution.

From 7-10 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, call 877-ASK-ROSE or chat online by visiting Questions can be emailed at any time, and responses will be provided during the operating hours.

Study guides, video lessons, and other educational resources on test-taking, note-taking, time management, essay writing and much more can also be found at Whether it’s trigonometry, chemistry or physics, tutors with AskRose are ready to help turn “Huh?” into “AHA!”