Roberts Stadium Electric Bills Obtained through Freedom of Information Act Request





  1. Looks like Russ Lloyd, Jr.,and his political side kick Dave Rector lied to city council about monthly expenses of Robert’s Stadium!

    Can’t wait to see John Friend and fellow council members are going to approach this issue at tomorrows budget hearing.

  2. So the electric bill for the Stadium is around $7,000 per month rather than the reported $25,000 per month?


  3. What gets me is the Ford Center opened almost a year ago and supposedly at that time Roberts was closed yet the phone bills for thousands of dollars are being charged to Roberts, the question is why would Roberts still have any phone service and who was making thousands of dollars worth of calls/service? from a closed facility?

    I’m sure it’s just another accounting snafu…like paying $46k to remove the seats or adding items from Mesker to Roberts expenses.


    • I’m not sure if this explains it, but I heard them say at the last CC meeting something about the water pump operation being monitored by a phone line. Can’t remember if they said someone like Sontrol monitors it or not?? If so, maybe the bill includes their service?

      • Could be I guess, but systems like that only send a alert when there is a failure as far as I know….there are line items for Sonitrol services included in the expenses, I totaled up the phone charges listed and it’s $13.649.64 add that to the Sonitrol charges of $3001.74 and your heading for $17k in 10 months, which doesn’t smell right, that’s a hell of a lot of phone expenses for a closed facility.

        But what do I know other than phone service is a highly competitive marketplace, you’d think the city could leverage a deal but maybe not. 🙂


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