Right to Life of Southwest Indiana to Host Annual Banquet TODAY

right to life

Right to Life of Southwest Indiana to Host Annual Banquet

 Evansville, IN – The Right to Life of Southwest Indiana annual banquet, which will be held at Old National Events Plaza on Thursday, September 12, 2024, is now SOLD OUT!

Tim Tebow will serve as keynote speaker at the banquet. Tebow is a two-time national champion, first-round NFL draft pick and Heisman Trophy winner. He grew up the son of missionaries and has returned to the Philippines several times throughout his life to spread God’s word and do the Lord’s work by serving the needy. The Tim Tebow Foundation was established in 2010 with the goal to bring Faith, Hope, and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.

The banquet draws approximately 2,500 guests annually and serves as the organization’s primary fundraising event. These funds support programs and projects such as installing and maintaining Safe Haven Baby Boxes at local fire departments, educating students, and empowering them to make healthy life choices, and unveiling the Go Mobile Clinic, a traveling pregnancy resource center which provides free services to women seeking pregnancy care in underserved areas within Southwest Indiana.


  1. Without opinion or bias, this is what was said about US Women’s Rights, and what is at stake in a world where abortion bans, with NO exceptions whatsoever – NOT EVEN after a child is raped and impregnated by a criminal or other family member:
    — “In over 20 states there are Trump abortion bans which make it criminal for a doctor or nurse to provide health care. In one state it provides prison for life. Trump abortion bans that make no exception even for rape and incest. Which—understand what that means. A survivor of a crime, a violation to their body, does not have the right to make a decision about what happens to their body next. That is immoral.

    And one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree —- The government — and Donald Trump certainly —- should not be telling a woman what to do with her body.”


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