“Right To Life Of Southwest Indiana” To Hold Press Conference Today In Evansville


 Right to Life of Southwest Indiana To Hold Cress Conference Today In Evansville On Tuesday, February 5 To Discuss Planned Parenthood Merger

Right to Life of SW Indiana is expressing concern over the recently announced merger of Planned Parenthood chapters. The Indiana, Kentucky Chapter is merging with the Planned Parenthood Western Alliance.

“This will bring millions of dollars into promoting the pro-abortion movement in Indiana and Kentucky,” said Right to Life of SW Indiana Executive Director Mary Ellen Van Dyke. “Their press release refers to donors that want to fund abortion clinics and lobbying in the Midwest.”

One only needs to look to the bill passed in New York allowing full term abortions to see that the pro-abortion movement is supporting the killing of babies at birth. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who received $2 million dollars in donations from Planned Parenthood, supported a similar bill.

Van Dyke says, “We are prepared to fight against any efforts to expand or promote abortion clinics.” She encourages all pro-life supporters to participate in Right to Life activities and keep in contact with lawmakers to remind them of the importance of protecting life.


Date:                Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Time:                2:30 p.m.

Location:          20 NW 3rdth Street Suite 810 (Fifth/Third Bank Building)

Evansville, IN  47708