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INDIANAPOLIS-The Indiana House today adopted a proposal by State Rep. Gail Riecken (D-Evansville) that will begin to fund solutions for the best practices to decrease the high number of child fatalities in our state.

Riecken authored an amendment to Senate Bill 408 which included a new Infant Mortality Reduction Grant Fund.

Currently, Indiana ranks fifth in the nation in child deaths, with the top two causes of infant mortality being babies born too small and too early.

“The amendment calls for the interest on the money in the Indiana checkup plan to be transferred to the new Infant Mortality Reduction Grant Fund,” said Riecken. “It also specifically states that the money in the newborn screening program cannot be transferred, assigned, or otherwise removed from the fund by the State Board of Finance or any other state agency, as has been done in the past.”

Riecken noted that of the 292 children in Indiana who died in 2011, substance abuse was found to be a factor in 43% of the cases. One study found that in cases of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, the infants are 19% more likely to have low birth rate and 30% more likely to have respiratory complications.

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome refers to the effects in newborns that have been exposed to addictive illegal or prescription drugs while in the mother’s womb. These substances pass to the baby during pregnancy, resulting in the baby becoming addicted along with the mother.

“The Commission on Improving the Status of Children determined that one of their priority areas this year would be to create policies to improve child health indicators such as infant mortality rate,” said Riecken. “This amendment advances the commission’s strategy as well as the Governor’s strategy to take action in protecting these infants.

“I am proud of the bipartisan support to protect young Hoosiers and will continue to work to ensure that the safety of our children remains a priority in the legislature,” she concluded.

Senate Bill 408 is now eligible for final consideration on the House floor. If it gets final approval, the measure will return to the Senate for concurrence with the changes made in the House.



  1. Wow. Unbelievable statistics that prove we as a society must do more to protect the unborn.
    “Riecken noted that of the 292 children in Indiana who died in 2011, substance abuse was found to be a factor in 43% of the cases. One study found that in cases of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, the infants are 19% more likely to have low birth rate and 30% more likely to have respiratory complications.”
    Now sponsor a bill with bite and get bipartisan support for child neglect charges against the mother of those babies that died as a result of substance abuse.
    Then sponsor another bill and get bipartisan support for child neglect charges against the mother of those babies were born with birth defects as a result of substance abuse.
    Let’s then swing for the fences and pass legislation stating drug testing be part of every prenatal exam. If the mother tests positive it’s off to protective custody (for the babies sake) until the baby is born.

    • I see. That’s horrendous but its OK if that same mother if she hasn’t done any drugs what so ever to have an abortion in Indiana.

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