
    INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Gail Riecken (D-Evansville) today issued the following statement after Gov. Mike Pence announced his support for adding more caseworkers at the state’s Department of Child Services (DCS):

    “By having more caseworkers, the entire system of delivering needed services for abused and neglected children will be greatly improved. For far too long, we have suffered from both a lack of qualified workers and a good deal of staff turnover. By committing to hire more workers and ensuring that they are paid a decent wage, the governor is making a significant statement of support.

    “Those of us who have spent the past few years trying to improve DCS have to applaud today’s announcement and credit both the governor and DCS Director Mary Beth Bonaventura for backing up their words with concrete actions.

    “But we also know that we are not out of the woods yet. I know that the governor has committed to seeing the funding for these caseworkers included in the new biennial state budget, but there are many twists and turns that can take place before we wrap up work at the end of April. It will be important for us to remain diligent in our commitment to see today’s promises become reality in the final budget.

    “Above all, this is a great day to reaffirm that we will not stand for children to be abused and neglected in Indiana. That process begins by having capable, caring people ready to help them in times of need.”



    1. Its important to show your support for a decision that no one was a against. Not impressed with her safe support.

    2. So Gail supported Pence in his goal to have more service providers for abused children. How could Gail support such obvious conservative trickery? This is not as sweet as it sounds, if we need more caseworkers it means we have more problems.

      • Yes Cowboy, justsayin, and pov – We have a lot of children in need and more caseworkers have been needed for a long long time. It is a hard job and people don’t stay in it very long because caseworkers are so over loaded with cases and beaten up by the system that they leave frequently. If you had been paying attention for the last several years Gail Riecken has been leading the charge for helping these children for a long time and is just now getting the job done. I’d like to thank her for that. We have to help the children and the elderly first. These are our most in-need citizens.

      • The question is did Pence turn into a bleeding heart Democrat? We all know that Democrats care more about people than the GOP does. So it’s surprising to see Pence acting more like a Democrat on this issue than a GOP.

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