FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Gail Riecken (812)568-9505
October 19, 2011 John Friend: (812) 499-3620
Indiana District 77 State Representative Gail Riecken Praises Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission Decision to hold fee increase hearings in Evansville. Evansville City Councilman John Friend’s Petition to IURC to Stop Job Killing Rate and Fee Increases by Vectren passes 10,000 Signatures.
Evansville City Councilman John Friend joins Representative Riecken in welcoming this opportunity for the people of Evansville and the elected officials from all of Vectren’s electricity service area to participate in a public meeting in Evansville where Vectren is the topic of discussion with the State of Indiana’s highest utility regulatory body. Councilman Friend who spent the early part of his career in the utility industry has recently been recognized for his initiative to launch a petition drive to admonish the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission to refuse to consider all electricity rate increases by the Vectren Corporation until the average electricity rate in the State of Indiana have caught up to the SW Indiana areas served by Vectren are paying. Councilman Friend and Representative Riecken also are asking that all hearings brought before the IURC by Vectren for the purpose of seeking a rate or fee increase be held in SW Indiana where the requested rates would go into effect.
Both Representative Riecken and Councilman Friend have expressed pleasure at seeing their efforts recognized by the IURC with their agreement to hold this hearing in Evansville. Both Friend and Riecken along with 10,000 other ratepayers have affixed their signatures to Councilman Friend’s petition in only two weeks.
Representative Riecken and Councilman Friend are holding a press conference at the Civic Center in Room 301 today at 2:00.