Mayor Asking People To Push Council To Vote On Funding Of “PENGUIN” Exhibit At The Zoo?
For several years the City County Observer and past Council Finance Chairman John Friend CPA have been saying that the City of Evansville is facing major financial challenges because of deficit spending practices and un-necessary political pork barrel projects.
Every time we reported that City Council has a major deficit shortfall concerning the 2016 City Employees Health care budget City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr stated that the city is in sound financial shape. When we question un-necessary spending practices of the City, Finance Chairman Dan McGinn, President Missy Mosby and Jonathan Weaver also declares that the city is in great financial shape.
September 23, 2016 Amended Employee Insurance Health Plan Offer By Mayor Winnecke
On September 23, 2016 Mayor Winnecke gave members of Police and Fire an amended Employee Insurance Health plan offer. Â In his new offer he lowered the premiums costs of this plan very little.
The Mayor is now putting a political spin that he has reduced his newly amended City Employee Heath care premium by 35%.  However, is he is failing to mention that his newly admended 2017 Employee Health care package is still about a 300% increase over this years plan.
We predict that Evansville Police and Fire rank and file will be out in force at tonights City Council meeting to publicly object to the Mayor newly amended 2017 Employee Health care plan.
Attached below Is the link to the amended Employee Health care package offer presented to our Fire and Police Department employees by Mayor Winnecke.
Other Observations Of Tonights City Council Meetings
It look like the Evansville City Council attempt to pass the 2017 budget at tonight meeting will be met with major opposition from taxpayers, not-for profits organizations, rank and file members of the Evansville Fire and Police Departments, Friends of the Zoo who want the plans for $11 million dollar “PENGUIN” exhibit to go forward and members of city appointed boards.
We have been informed by reliable sources that city budgeted $24 million dollars to pay for Employee Health care costs for 2016. Â We hear that the city may have a financial shortfall of around $6 million dollars for this year. Â It looks like past City Council Finance Chairman John Friend CPA predictions about the 2016 budget shortfall were track on!
The city is now projecting that the Health Care costs in 2017 will be well over $30 million dollars. Â According to media reports that Council Vice President Jonathan Weaver, D-At-Large, said the city money situation is in “dire straits.” Finance Chairman Dan McGinn, R-1st Ward, now declares, that the City “can’t afford to pay their medical bills.” It looks like Council President Missy Mosby is in political hiding. We wonder why they didn’t realize this problem last budget year.
We are hearing that Council leadership (McGinn, Mosby and Weaver) and Mayor Winnecke are now talking about moving city funds around so they can pay current and future bills.  Council leadership (McGinn, Mosby and Weaver) and Mayor Winnecke are now planning to raid millions of dollars from the Riverboat Fund, reduce the 2017 Homestead Tax Credit  by 2% and increase the Local Income Tax.
Oh, just in case the Mayor and his City Council leadership team  (McGinn, Mosby and Weaver) would like to know that Mr. Friend is also  predicting that the 2017 budget challenges shall be even greater!
We find it interesting that Councilman Jonathan Weaver is telling the main stream media the reason why the City of Evansville Health Care fund are experiencing major deficits are because of “OBAMA CARE.”   Isn’t parts of the City of Evansville Health Care fund self funding?
Mayor Winnecke is facing the biggest political challenge of his career.
We predict that Council members Elpers and Hargis will rule the day when they garner the needed votes to reject the funding of the “PENGUIN” exhibit.
We have just heard that the Mayor is on his Facebook page asking people to show up and push Council to vote on funding his proposed “PENGUIN” exhibit at the Zoo? Â What this tells us is he is putting “PENGUIN” over the funding of Employee Health Care program for city employees. Â All we can say about this is “WOW”!
City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. budgetary wisdom will be question and challenged after tonights meeting. Â Our elected officials will be questioning why Controller Lloyd Jr didn’t warn them earlier about major budget problems.
To approve the proposed 2017 City budget it would require the majority of council members to vote on it.  We are hearing that Council leadership (McGinn, Mosby and Weaver)  and Mayor Winnecke have painted themselves in a political corner concerning the poorly crafting of the proposed 2017 City budget. It looks like members of City Council are in for a long and stressful evening defending the Council leadership and Mayor Winnecke’s 2017 budget cuts.
Finally, if our elected City Council members would had listened to former City Council Finance Chairman John Friend CPA they wouldn’t be in the financial mess they are in now!
Several years ago the city utility employees left the city plan and went with the teamsters plan. At the time I did not think this was a smart move at the time I did not think this was a smart move. Now I am not sure. Anyone know if the utility worker are having a hard time getting there bills paid? I have heard city employees bills are taking a long time to be paid.
Sorry I had a short circuit ;>{)
According to sources, the average cost per City employee concerning health care is around 18k ..however, this is misleading. The teamster’s plan cost around 13k and the self-insured plan cost around 21k. So, why is it that the city holds onto the self-insured plan?
Ironic to see Winnecke send out a late email blast going after Hargis and Elpers for their plan for the Penguins.
Wonder if he’s having buyers remorse for getting them elected?
Well, well, well ..maybe Anna has come to the realization that Winnecke is a liar and deceiver. She may have concluded that as a CPA she will be held at a much higher standard then others on the council. Elpers on the other hand has to please his father in law (Shetler). A mighty task may I say.
The truth is, that whether she likes it or not, she’s Winnecke’s bought-and-paid-for puppet. Both she and her husband have jobs that can be affected by politicians and big donors.
As it seems,Mosby receives listings from McClintoch ..Weaver likewise benefits with listings ..and of course with Hargis functioning as the finance director of the Big Brothers and Big Sisters which her responsibilities include fund raising i.e. donors to the cause ..she is bought as well. Days of reckoning will be upon her.
Let’s contrast Winnecke vs. Weinzapfel. Winnecke a BS under grad from U of E majoring in Drama/Communications graduate degree. Weinzapfel . . I U majoring in Chemistry. Grad Degree in Public Administration. Judicial Doctorate (Law Degree from IU) The last time this City witnessed a surplus in the General Fund was 2011, Weinzapfel’s last year as Mayor. Contrast Winnecke vs. the Mayor of South Bend. Pete’s under grad was at Harvard majoring in Finance ..Grad Degree from Cambridge (Rhode Scholar). Maybe just maybe Winnecke is well over his head in dealing with money. Why, he receives 2.8 MILLION in campaign donations from May of 2011 thru December 31, 2015 and only has 12,000 in the bank? He is as careless with his own money as he is with ours!!!!
Sir Lloyd has always had a flair for the drama scene. As a lay person, people would witness him behind the pulpit acting out his fantasies. Now the taxpayers of this city has their drama queen.
Russ Lloyd needs to be blamed for this morass. This cash problem didn’t just sneak up on The City. If the City has a deficit of $ 6 Million right now in its ability to pay Health Insurance bills, how soon before the health care providers stop rendering services ?
It’s going to be interesting to watch the conduct of Council Chairwoman Mosby if the turnout is good at the meeting tonight. I bet she is really wishing she had been able to sneak her “muzzle law” through, so she could keep the electorate quiet on this one.
Yeah, I wish I could come and support you. But I know you will be there to “Give ‘Em Hell”
Maybe this explains why former Mayor Frank McDonald, Jr. has sold his Evansvle home and is moving to Indianapolis. Frankie was smart enough to jump ship from Integra right before the Feds pulled the plug on that institution; perhaps he senses or knows something is about to befall the institution of Evansville.
His children and grandchildren live in Indy. I think that’s a better explanation
What does Jim Brinkmeyer do on council? I’ve never heard his name mentioned. Does he ever ask questions? Does he ever vote against the Mayor’s wishes or the opposite of how Missy and Beaver vote?
Not really sure but one thing is sure he can drink with the best of them. Nickname: Drunkmeyer.
With the state of the city and its Affairs winnecke and the city council need to take another look at where they can make cuts to help the Fire and Police Department and as far as the Penguins go protection comes before penguins
When we have a finance chairman who Weinzapfel had to can as the Zoo Director, his judgement concerning the Zoo will not be objective. So, expect penguins before public safety.
Just heard that Messy Nosby had to cut her vacation off early to make it back for the budget approval. So nice to see such dedication!!!
Just heard Anna Hargis ask what the national average of employees’ contribution to their health cost ..maybe she should have investigated prior to this meeting. The web is a wonderful tool Anna.
My over/under says Anna will fold like a cheap suit regarding this budget.
Btw have been viewing the circus on Ch 9 a/k/a City Council. Question: does Weaver ever stop rocking in his chair? My grandfather did not rock as much.
Been watching the council meeting. Couldn’t for the life of me understand why they kept saying they were paying claims. Well……………I’ve never heard of a city being self-insured. I wouldn’t think that would be a good business to be in! I feel sorry for the employees that are relying on the City of Eville to pay their claims when they have no money.
One question however. Are the city council members covered by the same self-insured policy as other city employees. I bet not
Hell yes they are. Part-part employees receive the full benefits that our police and firefighters receive. It’s bullshit!!!
Why does the city of Evansville own and operate the zoo? The Indianapolis Zoo is a private non-profit organization, receiving no tax support and is supported entirely by membership fees, admissions, donations, sales, grants, and an annual fundraiser. If a penguin exhibit is desired then they can do fundraisers. I for one do NOT want my tax dollars supporting the zoo! I would rather my tax dollars go to the health of those that protect our community.
Annoyed is simply. The zoo employees are Teamsters. The teamsters local 215 contributes bunches of money to the Council members. The privatization of the Zoo would end the gravy train. So, taxpayers keep those bucks rollin in.
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