Restoring homes. Restoring hope



Spring Project Blitz Begins!

As the winter cold begins to break, we are inviting volunteers, small groups, churches, business, and donors to support a Spring Project Blitz, with a goal of completing 20 home repair projects and completing our whole-hose rehab at 501 E Riverside Drive by June 1.
Volunteers can participate through:
• Direct project involvement
• Project Coaching (coordinating)
• Financial donations
• Help with Fundraising
• Volunteering within the organization

If you’d like to include yourself, your small group, church, business or organization in a spring project, please email me or call at (812) 250-6888.

Getting Started as a Volunteer

Our website is the hub of our work, where projects are posted and volunteers browse to find ways to serve. The very first step in volunteering is to go to our website and register as a volunteer. You’ll then be able to login, browse projects and volunteer with a mouse-click.
Repair Project Update

Catalyst Church Assists Homeowners With House Clean-out
Members of Catalyst Church recently skipped Sunday worship services to go out and serve in the community, including a Community One project to serve a family that had experienced a house fire. Church members pitched in to gut the house so that rehab could follow.
Our thanks to Pastor Dave Whitmore, Project Coaches Eddie and Kristy Greene and to all the volunteers that helped with the project—well done!

New Fundraiser: Give Away A Garage Sale
Clean Out Your House & Support a Great Cause
Need to spring clean? Time for a garage sale? We invite you to give your garage sale away! Rally some friends or neighbors or your small group to help. We’ll provide you yard signs to help people locate your sale, and information about Community One to share with customers.
In return, we simply ask that you donate some or all of your garage sale proceeds to Community One for housing restoration work in our community.
This is a super-easy way to support a great cause! For details email Donna Myers or phone at (812) 5New Fundraiser: iPhones For Homes

Donate your Unused, Used or Broken Apple Products
Let us put your unused, used or broken (yes broken!) Apple iPhone (including iPod or iPad) to work in housing restoration!
Donate an Apple iPhone (including iPod or iPad) to Community One and we’ll recycle the item and use the proceeds to fund housing restoration projects. There is no need for you to erase the information on your device; our recycler will wipe all stored data from your device as soon as it is received.

This collection is for Apple products only please. Here is a visual reminder of the Apple iPhone product line: