Rescue Mission Demands Apology from Human Rights Commission and Asserts that HRC Action was Illegal


The City County Observer has obtained copies of letters from the Evansville Rescue Mission and the Human Rights Commission regarding the discrimination actions taken by the HRC against the Rescue Mission. We make both available to our readers without edit, opinion, or bias.

Letter from Rescue Mission to Human Rights Commission


Dismissal Letter by HRC



  1. Diane Clements, Executive Director HRC needs to be immediately terminated by Mayor Winnecke. She has turned into a disaster.

    • Winnecke does not have the balls to do such a thing. His masters Weinzapfel and Momma Doc won’t allow it. I am sure there will be a new exercise video soon though. I understand why the Democrats backed this idiot. What I can’t understand is why Republicans saw anything in Winnecke at all. He is and has always been Weinzapfel’s puppy.

    • I feel the Hearing Officer should be fired…not the Director…..there should be a new Board appointed…the Board made the mistake in filling the law suit….

      • Did the Board’s legal counsel advise them it was a “mistake” to file the suit? If not, should he be fired also?


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