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 Letter To Editor: Republicans Should Say Goodbye To Donald Trump


Republicans Should Say Goodbye To Donald Trump

by Dannie McIntire

June 15, 2022

I suspect after my article today there may again be a mob forming resembling the “citizens with touches lit searching for the monster “Frankenstein”.

 I’m a conservative, and I’m convinced that it’s time for the Republication Party to say goodbye to Donald Trump.

Yes, I voted for Donald Trump twice, the first time, because I believed in his message, “America  First”;  “Make America Great Again”; by the time he ran for reelection, I “held my nose” when voting for him, because I thought the alternative offered by the Democrats would be a total disaster for our country.  

President Trump had many policies that I and many other voters agreed with. However, his distortive view of his self-importance grew increasingly dangerous throughout his term. Donald Trump is a master manipulator, well adept in playing the “us against them” game of politics; keep the populace divided and pitted against one another, and they won’t pay attention to what you’re actually doing or not doing. 

Throughout Donald Trump’s initial election campaign, the deficits in his personality were clearly there for the voting populace to see, but like the majority of voters in the first election, I voted for “his message”. I truly believe that by the time he ran for reelection, it was his personality “defects” that cost him the election, it wasn’t that the majority were voting for Joe Biden out of their conviction he was the better candidate, they were voting against the “defects” in Trump’s personality. The majority of the voting populace simply did not like him as a person.

Why was this? What were his “defects”?      

Let’s first look at the definition of a  Narcissist; A self-centered personality style characterized as having an excessive preoccupation with one’s own needs, often at the expense of others.

Second, is the definition of a bully; is “One who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable”.

Third, the definition of megalomania; is “The belief that oneself is very important about what happens in their environment and that one has the power and the right to change the life of others as one wants”.

Fourth, the definition of a manipulator; is “To control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means, especially to one’s own advantage”. 

Add to the above, from many reliable accounts, Donald Trump as a President was ill-informed on things he should have known or been briefed on. If he was interested, he listened, if he was not interested, he callously waved it off and went on to something that did hold his interest.

When as president, you have to ask your chief of staff if Finland was part of Russia, or if the U.S. could buy Greenland from Denmark, and this man was the “leader of the free world”.

Too many times during his term he fired knowledgeable advisers, and staff members, not because of their job performance, but because he found they weren’t “yes men”, he did not want to listen to any advice that did not match his own opinions. That is the classic definition of a “dictator”.   

Now out of office, his problems continue to grow, from lawsuits to ongoing investigations. We need a president who is truly invested in solving our problems instead of spreading falsehoods in attempting to make his constituents believe he is the new “messiah”. 

Donald Trump lost his reelection campaign, please put away the conspiracy theories, just because your candidate didn’t win, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t a fair election. It Was! That’s the beautiful thing about our democracy we need to celebrate, “we the people” still have the choice when electing our leaders, and when we do make “a mistake”, we rectify it in the next election. 

This is where I believe my party, the Republican Party, needs to reexamine itself. Its current tilt to the far right is not sustainable in winning future congressional and presidential elections. I fear the Republican Party will eventually splinter into a moderate camp and an extreme right-wing camp that can no longer unite for the good of the party, with potentially one side “picking up their marbles” and storming off to form a new party. With a divided vote, conservatives as a group will suffer.

Of course, I believe the Democratic Party is facing the same above issue, the extreme left against the moderate faction of the party. 

Perhaps it’s time for a new major political party in our country, one that both moderate republicans and democrats can embrace. How about “The Common Sense Party Of America”, candidates with personality deficits, lack of common sense, or the inability to compromise, need not apply! Hmmm….is anyone left to run?    

FOOTNOTE:  This article was posted by the City-County Observer without bias or editing.  The City-County Observer and their advertisers are not response for the content of this article.


  1. Well, you do agree with the Republican Party leadership. Trump’s “personality defects” led to a Supreme Court overturning multiple un-Constitutional burdens placed on the voters and energy independence for us, but you believe his personality was too unbearable to lead again. I’ll still vote for the candidate who’s best for the country and put up with the defects. If Trump runs, Republicans might not like it, but we conservatives will.

  2. I sure miss them mean ol tweets as our country in the past 18 months has fallen apart……….TRUMP 2024 and beyond……..

  3. Donald Trump may be an a hole or a d head ,however he has the same beliefs I have,
    no matter how silly or stupid some of his comments were,he was always correct
    President Trump and all republicans will have my vote again,the democratic party has become a socialist party

  4. Mr Trump was not perfect. But who the heck is. When Trump was in office the other countries knew not to mess with us. Trump was not or is not your typical policitian. He spoke his mind without filters rub the celebrities the wrong way. None of them fled to Canada as promised. I was in awe the hatred of Trump by the other polictical party. It also brought to my attention that too many polictians have been if office too long and we need term limits. Like I said Trump is not perfect but he shaked things up.

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