1. Two days in a row.
    Editor is acknowledging it is SO bad for the GOP these days, that it really is appropriate for Editor to run a second cartoon in a row commenting on the mess the GOP is in.
    What is the Republican plan for the country? Is it jobs? Is it balanced budget? Is it immigration reform?
    Is it ANYTHING?
    We don’t know. I mean, we’re in the middle of a Presidential election, and the only message coming out of the GOP is “These establishment guys need to go in the Republican Party.” If the GOP can’t get along inside it’s OWN PARTY, why would the US Voter ever trust giving the reins to the country to the Republican Party?
    The Tea Party guys are anarchists. They’re not FOR anything, other than “no” and “fighting.”
    The wheels ain’t off for the GOP, there are no wheels.

    • In a free society we have these conflicts, but it will settle out for the better. Its just what happens when people have a choice and a voice. Democrats do not have to worry about this sort of conflict because they have because they have carnations rather than primaries. THe GOP will be stronger when the RINOs are gone. The DNC will be stronger if they remain.

  2. The disarray caused by the rejection of the Status Quo in the Republican ranks, has a further underlying cause as the reality that nobody wants the Establishment’s “Boy” Jeb for President, is also finally sinking in. The Establishment disarray is beginning to rattle the Democrats too, as Hillery-the liar’s- actions, and dishonesty are taking out their “Queen” from the race as well. In the End game, Neither “Establishment” candidate will be chosen for President by the Voters. A disaster for the Moneyed “Good Ol’ Boys” in both Parties/Gangs, but not so for the Country, in spite of the Media’s attempts to stir the pot with words like “chaos”, as they are about to crap too, as they fear loss of Media Control,– if the People vote take their Country back from the Established Politicos.

    • It’s true Crash. Hillary Clinton isn’t a left wing candidate. Bernie Sanders, and even perhaps Joe Biden, are the liberals in that race, not Hillary. Clinton has always been a blue dog Democrat on economic policy, and strong on national defense, and Hillary is totally conservative on national defense issues. Far further right on defense than people realize. In fact, defense hawks of the GOP, John McCain and Lindsey Graham, are cut of the same cloth as Clinton – the three created national defense Senate policy side by side under George W. Bush.
      Now, Tea Party types like Balloonpilot and Commonsense think Obama was born in Kenya and is a Muslim…you can bet they think Hillary is more of a commie-socialist than Bernie Sanders. They believe anything they are told (like “we’re gonna repeal Obamacare”) by commission-charging guys raising money for the Tea Party.

      • Don Idiot. You think you know so much but know so little. Show me where I have ever said Obama was born in Kenya. Just like Sgt. Shultz, you know nothing.

        • Ok COMMONSENSE. You didn’t say Obama was born in Kenya. Sorry for saying it.
          The comments, notwithstanding the mistake with the Kenya comment, are all accurate.
          Someday this foolishness from the Tea Party will get relegated to a third party.
          We’ll all be better off when that happens. If it doesn’t, the Democrats will be laughing all the way to absolute domination of winning the White House.

          • And that will be the absolute ruin of this once great country. You are a fool. And I have no respect for idiots and liars like you.

  3. Maintaining the U.S. as a sovereign nation. Adhering to the Constitution and the founding principals that enabled this to become a great country. Returning to a semblance of fiscal sanity. Restoring individual freedom and states rights. Aiding allies and at least recognizing who enemies are. These are just a few of the principles I see put forth by the “Tea Party”. Which of them do you regard as foolish?

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