Republican Challenger Randy Niemeyer Urges U.S. Senate to Pass Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act


Cedar Lake, IN -Randy Niemeyer, Republican Congressional Candidate, (IN-01) and owner of Niemeyer Milk Transfer Inc. called upon the U.S. Senate to prioritize the passage of the Whole Milk For Healthy Kids Act:

“I’ve dedicated my entire career to transporting wholesome dairy products. Nutrient-rich whole milk plays a vital role in the health and well-being of our nation’s children. With my experience in the agricultural industry, I have witnessed firsthand the importance of providing quality dairy options for growing kids.

My commitment to public service is rooted in the values instilled by my grandmother, whose dedicated service as a school cafeteria lady provided me with a profound understanding of the significance of nourishing meals for students.

The Whole Milk For Healthy Kids Act aims to broaden the availability of whole milk in school cafeterias, recognizing its nutritional benefits and addressing concerns about restrictive dietary guidelines. By passing this act, the Senate can contribute to the overall health and wellness of the next generation. I urge the U.S. Senate to unite on this bipartisan issue, transcending party lines for the betterment of our children’s health.”