Republican Chairman Wayne Parke calls Treasurer Rick Davis’s Work Record as Deplorable



(Evansville, IN) – Rick Davis has long been known among Civic Center personnel as someone who is rarely at work doing his County Treasurer duties. Now, following a Freedom of Information Act request, 85 pages of electronic records demonstrate just how bad his work habits have been. It is deplorable. “Rick Davis is a full time elected politician, being paid a full time salary but only working part-time as Treasurer,” said Republican Chairman Wayne Parke.

Over the last 12 months (October 1, 2011 through September 28, 2012), I believe the data contained in the electronic documents indicate the information below is an accurate summary account of Rick Davis’s extremely poor work record:
1. Only one day in 12 months did Rick Davis show up to work on time (on or before 8 AM).
2. When Rick Davis did show up for work, he normally showed up late around 10 AM. The records do not show how long he stayed at work once he arrived.
3. Rick Davis never showed up at all 45 weekdays (Monday through Friday) during this 12-month period. That means he did not show for work at all about 18% of the time. Of the work days missed by Rick Davis most were Fridays and Mondays, creating a long weekend.
4. When he shows up for work, Rick Davis has a practice of leaving the building and returning to the Civic Center at approximately 3 PM, shortly before quitting time. Normal quitting time for Civic Center employees is 4:30 PM.

Rick Davis is an Elected, County Government Official who gets paid $63,088.00 a year. In addition to his salary, he receives 14 paid holidays, major medical coverage, dental & vision benefits, prescription coverage, group life insurance and PERF (Public Employee Retirement Fund) paid for by Vanderburgh County taxpayers. “Rick Davis’s salary and benefits are nearly twice the amount of the average Vanderburgh County resident,” said Parke. “Everyone else must get up and go to work rain or shine. Taxpayers deserve a Treasurer that does the same thing.”

The taxpayers of Vanderburgh County are being cheated. As an elected official currently serving as our County Treasurer, Rick Davis needs to be setting a positive example for other office workers by giving the taxpayers full value for the money and benefits he receives. If Rick Davis worked for a business, he would be fired for his deplorable attendance. It is time to let Rick Davis go.

Posted without edit, comment, or bias

Source: E. Wayne Parke, Chairman of the Vanderburgh County Republican Party


  1. Davis improved the performance of the Treasurer’s office. S. Kirk’s duties were not performed, or supervised correctly in several instances just in the last 2 years. Both are likeable people, but Rick Davis did his job, he’s got my vote.

  2. I read the courier article today.
    Parke says he can’t find anything in Davis’s time in office to be substandard.
    That’s enough for me. We’ve got a good manager so don’t get rid of him.

    • What Rick Davis has done regarding his unacceptable attendance record is wrong. Taxpayers have a legitimate right to expect a highly paid elected official with excellent benefits to be on the job just like they are expected to be.

      Wayne Parke

      • Wayne, what is your official rebuttal for the assertion that the key card swipe record is not a complete picture? I’m not so sure I buy that explanation.

        Do you have a detailed history you will release for number crunchers?

        I’m particularly interested to know how frequently Mr. Davis showed up at 10:00 and again at 3:00. If that is a trend, perhaps he is keeping different hours? If he is working less time and accomplishing the same duties of the office, why not call for a pay cut for the Treasurer position at the next budget meeting?

    • When I have to work 40 hours for less money than I made 5 years ago I think it is only reasonable to expect our public servants to work at least as many hours as the working stiffs that put them there! I wish I had a 60k a year job that I could come and go as I please. If I tried calling in every monday or friday I would be at workforce one faster than I could say bob’s your uncle. TOO many of our elected officials (and I am not talking about just Davis here) think they are the boss when We, the people are the ones that put them there. I think they should be required to clock in and clock out just like everyone else at the civic center. Maybe that is what we need. They clock in and out every day and each year we get a report that shows just when the people we HIRE show up to do the job they beg us to give them!

  3. Thank you Wayne Parke for giving me yet another reason to vote for Rick Davis. Too bad that you aren’t the National Republican Party Chair not a single Republican would be elected. I would take Rick Davis on his worse day than you on your best. Vote Rick Davis one of the best public servants in the county and possibly the state.

  4. Mr parke you now sound like that mark Owen Rick Davis has my vote , it sounds to me that Rick is very good in his job

  5. Well, if Rick can do his job in half the hours… maybe we can consolidate his job with another and get both jobs done.

    Time to give Rick the heave ho.

    • If Rick can do a great job in half the time we need to put him charge of the city. I’m sure he could train half the employees to do all the work and we can let the other half go. Maybe next time Rick should consider running for mayor as an independent, in a 3 way race he could make things interesting.

  6. I really like Wayne Parke as a person. He is very smart and hard working.

    I’m sad to see what Wayne Parke is trying to do Rick Davis. Also I understand that Susan Kirk is also involved in the campaign to discredit Rick Davis.

    As a strong Republican, however I must say that I shall be voting for Rick Davis because I’m tired of seeing him being pushed around.

    • I didn’t vote for Rick Davis for Mayor. I now see that as a mistake. I will definitely be voting for him for Treasurer. Keep up the good work Wayne. Your smear tactics have backfired. My mother always said, the only thing worse than people talking bad about you is people not talking about you at all. Anyone that the establishment republicans and democrats dislike so much must be doing something right.

      • No smear tactics were used. Rick Davis is totally responsible for his own electronic recorded poor attendance/work record. What I stated are facts–not opinions.

        Wayne Parke

        • It’s obvious that your campaign against Rick Davis has hit bottom if you are resorting to individual responses to bloggers. Are you also calling everyone in the phonebook?

          • Attacking him for taking the time for responding to you on a personal basis is lower than anything he’s said here. If he didn’t respond to you, you’d be accusing him of evading the question.

            I’ll say it again, I think Chairman Parke has made some big mistakes, but I think he’s a good guy. I also think Rick Davis is probably a good guy. If you want “Just the Facts”, then let’s stick to those…

            If Mr. Davis is clocking in at 10:00 and 3:00 and leaving early on a regular basis as the evidence Mr. Parke claims to possess suggests, those are the facts we have available to us. So unless Mr. Davis has facts that show the contrary, we are left with “Just the Facts” Mr. Parke claims to possess (which he will hopefully release to the CCO in unedited form for independent review).

          • Um, no it’s not. That’s an absolutely absurd statement. My questioning the value of responding to individual bloggers is not “lower” than his personal attacks on Rick Davis. The actual facts of this matter are what Parke has admitted- that the swipe records do not necessarily indicate his actual attendance. Those are the facts, not what you have morphed them into, which is some kind of certainty that he is arriving at 10 am and leaving at 3 pm.

        • No smear tactics? What about your mailer sent out from Indianapolis? It was full of false information and you are fortunate Davis didn’t take action against you.

          You have aligned yourself, by your actions against Rick Davis, with the same element of the Democrat party that nullified the vote of local citizens in the democratic primary. The same people who worked to get your candidate elected. Are you in bed with THOSE PEOPLE? You certainly seem to be using their disgusting tactic nowadays.


          • Press…..

            Thank you for saying what a lot of us are thinking and believing…we have one party in Evansville that is comprised of two factions, who are totally complacent with each other.


      • Now that we have heard from all of Rick Davis’s friends, employees, and relatives I’d now like to hear from all of the people in the runup to the last election who posted comments to the effect that Mr. Davis has a mean, cruel, hair-trigger temper in the workplace. Any elected official with that demeanor has no business berating his fellow Democrats, as that term aptly describes at least 90 percent of county and city employees.

  7. This post was taken down by Editor because of the personal nature of comments. Shall repost if shineon provides proof of comments.

  8. With his accusations, I think Mr. Parke has been very successful in Defineing himself as a “Political Creep”.

    • Given a chance, Parke seems to take the low road every time. I am definitely not believing that Susan Kirk has no idea what Parke is doing. She has to shoulder her share of the blame for taking this to the gutter.


  9. Thank you Mr Parke…..

    As a taxpayer and lifelong Republican I applaud you in your efforts to discredit Mr Davis, but to be totally fair since you have all of this damning info about his work habits obtained through a FOIA request why don’t you send the info over to the CCO so they can post the source documents for all of us to read and form our own opinions.

    Not that I don’t trust or believe your opinion but for you to be credible I think you need to provide the source that you derived your opinion from so that all the community can see that you are indeed posting the truth and not just your opinion with a little bias added for effect.

    BTW if your source is door scans….I think that has already been shot full of holes as not being a credible source of time spend in the building, hopefully if that is what you are using you have video evidence to backup you claims.


  10. Thanks to Mr Parke, this long time GOP will vote for Rick, and re-nounce any GOP leanings

    • Don’t leave the Party. The problem is in the leadership, not the ideology. They will come around eventually…they’ll have to.

      That said, if you’re making a statement like this, it’s good form to publish your REAL name so the statement has some teeth, otherwise onlookers will just conclude you are a Democrat fomenting an image of discord in the opposition.

      If you’re gonna say it, SAY IT and have the balls to put your name to it.

  11. As someone who splits a ticket, I will make sure Rick gets my vote. And yes, we all know I supported him during the last election. I like his spirit and I see a well run office.

  12. Why doesn’t Mr. Parke talk about the wonderful things Kirk has done in office……
    Like watching her chief deptuy get arrested for stealing money from the public…..
    Like watching another of her employees get arrested for stealing from the county……
    Like closing her office 30 minutes early every Friday despite a county ordinance that states the hours she must remain open and allowing her employees to go home early for several years.
    Oh. Snap. Maybe that’s why Mr. Parke isn’t talking about the things his candidate has done as an officeholder.

    • you forgot the part about letting schoolboard candidates run in districts they don’t live in. It’s the old political adage, if you can’t run on your own merits, tey to smear your opponent.

  13. Hey Parke, weren’t you fired from your unpaid job with the GOP?

    That reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Kramer was fired from a company he never worked for.

    You talk about Vanderburgh County being cheated yet you went in front of the Parks Board just to back up your pal Winnecke’s plan to knock Roberts down. You didn’t even have a clue what you were talking about you were just there kiss tail. That is a disgrace and embarrassment to the city of Evansville.

    Speaking of Winnecke, it took me 2-3 times to call him back after he called me first to try to chew me out about exposing his page 13. Each time I was told the mayor was out of office. Maybe you should pull his scan card.

    These tactics your party are pulling are getting to be as dirty and old as your coal.

    • I have to agree I am disappointed in Chairman Parke as I am with Mayor Winneke on the issue of Roberts Stadium. To me, this is a conservative litmus test if ever there was one, yet both of these guys got it dead wrong and proved they have lost touch with what it means to be “conservative”.

      I expect liberals like Jordan to be ok with spending loads of other people’s money on some personal pet project, but I don’t expect it from Republican leadership.

      I like Chairman Parke as a person. He seems to genuinely want to improve things around here, but I feel like he’s tragically out of touch with the prevailing winds, and he has tainted the office of Chairman by defending Winnecke on the wrong issues or staying mute when he should have spoken up.

      On the topic at hand, he may be onto something. I will reserve judgment until I’ve seen all the facts. I like Rick Davis, but if he can do the Treasurer job on limited time commitment, maybe it’s time for a salary cut at that position.

  14. Mr. Parke and Ms. Kirk deserve each other.

    Both believe in attack ads and character assassination.

    Both believe in persistent whisper campaigns.

    Both deny any involvement in pulling dirty tricks.

    Both will be retired soon.

  15. Let me say up front I like Rick Davis. I think he is one of the better office holders we currently have. He seems to have a genuine want for government to be transparent, and more importantly, he seems to be his own man. But the explanation Davis gives of entering the building by other means doesn’t seem to hold up that well, in all honesty. Who arrives at their place of work consistently on time, has other people open the door for them, leaves, and then comes back at 10:00 using a key card?
    10:00 isn’t even lunch time. I’d be interested to know how consistently this occurred. If it’s a trend, there is a possible alternative explanation, but I just don’t see it. The swiping in at 3:00 thing sounds like coming back from a long lunch to me.
    If Mr. Davis is accomplishing his job without issue, I think that lessens the argument of no work ethic; however, it sure lends a great argument for lowering the salary of that position seeing as the work perhaps can be done with minimal effort.

    • I think a lot of the managerial positions in county and city government are long overdue for a review. If Evansville had been doing periodic reviews and updating departments she might not be in her current state.

      It is not hard to separate the ones who view themselves as public servants from those who view themselves as some sort of celebrity. We need a lot fewer celebrities.


    • The weighted average for each month that Rick Davis swiped his security card to enter the building in the morning is the following:

      12 Month period-10 AM

      Wayne Parke

      • LOL….

        Quotes from the C&P

        “Building Authority Director Dave Rector, who filled the request, said he told Parke that the records aren’t an accurate gauge of how often a public employee enters the Civic Center.”

        “Davis said Parke’s assertions are “misleading and reckless” and said he would gladly produce a record of where he was if Parke would release the days in question.”

        “Parke acknowledged he has no evidence Davis is not fulfilling his duties.”



        • If I can presume to speak for Mr. Parke for a moment…

          I think the point he is making is this: the keycard evidence, which should by all accounts and measures of building security be an accurate portrayal of the times a person enters the Civic Center complex. In fact, they are REQUIRED to scan their cards upon entering the building.

          The counter argument put forward by Mr. Davis in this matter that others swiped him into the building is false. If it is so, he is actually violating building security by doing so. So we are left with a few possible conclusions we can draw from this…

          A) Mr. Parke is lying about the data.
          B) Civic Center Building Security is extremely lax, allowing for inconsistent records to be kept.
          C) Mr. Davis is accomplishing the duties of his office with limited personal time investment.

          If A is true, then I suspect the record will show that.
          If B is true, then Civic Center security should be reviewed and Mr. Davis chastised for willfully bypassing security measures.
          However, if C is true, there are a couple more conclusions we can draw. They are as follows:

          A) Mr. Davis’ office is over-funded, allowing him to hire out the duties of the job he is payed to perform in which case, there should be a budget review.
          B) Mr Davis’ salary is too generous for the limited hours in which he is able to perform his job duties as Treasurer.

          Now that we’ve worked our way through it logically and without emotion, it would appear that despite the previously miscalculated and off-the-mark attempts by the Republican Party to defame Mr. Davis, Chairman Parke may very well be onto something here.

          Sometimes it requires an additional dash of wisdom to look beyond the messenger and see the underlying truth. This, I believe, is one of those cases.

  16. One reason, perhaps the biggest reason, the voters will reelect Rick Davis is to show a handful of democrat party hacks that nullifying the results of the democratic party primary, by actively supporting the opposition candidate over your own candidate, was a bad idea. Those pissed off voters now have an opportunity to get even, and I believe that is just what they will do.


    • You can’t call it nullification of a primary by any stretch of the imagination. Davis won the primary. Some Democrats choosing to support his opponent just means they felt he was the lesser qualified or more likely he ticked them off. Such is the ways of a democracy. Everyone has the right to vote for who they wish in this country. There are more than just democrats in Evansville. The majority of voters chose the mayor not just democrats. Davis burnt a lot of bridges last fall. I think anyone can agree he has not done that this year and will most likely win re-lection because of that. Good for him if he does!

      • What planet are you living on? You are aware of all the behind the scenes activities of Jonathan Weinzapfel Et al and the local democrat party officers to sink Rick Davis’ boat, right? They actively worked to defeat the candidate who won their primary!

        They made political history that will live in infamy in the annals of Evansville politics, thanks to John Weinzapfel. There may be some who attempt to rewrite history by spinning that into something else, but the majority of people here fully understand what happened and what a vindictive little pr**k Weinzapfel is.


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