Reporter Tells of IRS Pressure after Tough Interview with President Obama


From the Facebook Page of Larry Conners of KMOV St. Louis

Shortly after I did my April 2012 interview with President Obama, my wife, friends and some viewers suggested that I might need to watch out for the IRS.

I don’t accept “conspiracy theories”, but I do know that almost immediately after the interview, the IRS started hammering me.

At the time, I dismissed the “co-incidence”, but now, I have concerns … after revelations about the IRS targeting various groups and their members.

Originally, the IRS apologized for red-flagging conservative groups and their members if they had “Tea Party” or “patriot” in their name.

Today, there are allegations that the IRS focused on various groups and/or individuals questioning or criticizing government spending, taxes, debt or how the government is run … any involved in limiting/expanding government, educating on the constitution and bill of rights, or social economic reform/movement.

In that April 2012 interview, I questioned President Obama on several topics: the Buffet Rule, his public remarks about the Supreme Court before the ruling on the Affordable Care Act. I also asked why he wasn’t doing more to help Sen. Claire McCaskill who at that time was expected to lose. The Obama interview caught fire and got wide-spread attention because I questioned his spending. I said some viewers expressed concern, saying they think he’s “out of touch” because of his personal and family trips in the midst of our economic crisis.

The President’s face clearly showed his anger; afterwards, his staff which had been so polite … suddenly went cold. That’s to be expected, and I can deal with that just as I did with President George H. Bush’s staff when he didn’t like my questions.

Journalistic integrity is of the utmost importance to me. My job is to ask the hard questions, because I believe viewers have a right to be well-informed. I cannot and will not promote anyone’s agenda – political or otherwise – at the expense of the reporting the truth.

What I don’t like to even consider … is that because of the Obama interview … the IRS put a target on me.

Can I prove it? At this time, no. But it is a fact that since that April 2012 interview … the IRS has been pressuring me.


  1. It is time for Obama to go. He is acting more like Idi Amin nowadays than the President of the United States of America.

    What is next?


    • I watched Larry Conners’ interview with Obama and the president dodged any questions that were not softballs.


  2. Repeal the 16th Amendment. Abolish the federal income tax. End the Federal Reserve.

    Doing these things would solve 90% of our country’s problems.

    • Yeah, cause wanting money to be backed by something tangible is just crazy, as is thinking people should keep the fruits of their labor. That’s just nuts! How did this country even survive up until 1913 without these saving graces?


      • Call Doc Brown to take you back. From what I’ve read life wasn’t too great. Have fun working 90 hrs a week just to barely survive and have a coin flip’s chance of dying every time you step on the shop floor. You’re headed for a time long before unions fought and died for the labor protections you take for granted and are under the fantasy that the elites brought about out of the goodness of their hearts.

        • I’ve been back and forth with unionists over these issues for a long time now and it’s tiring. Bottom line, I have nothing against unions IF they are acting in a non-violent way. People have every right to organize and attempt to bargain with employers for better conditions. That has nothing to do whatsoever with federal income taxes and a Federal Reserve that prints money out of thin air. In fact, laborers should be up in arms that the Federal Reserve would print the money and drive down the value of their savings.

          It’s unfortunate that in my experience demagoguery seems more rampant among today’s unionists than reason.

      • It was on 14wfie. They didn’t specify a name or address, but a woman is claiming an officer has been entering her home without a warrant.

  3. With this disclosure, Obama reveals that he is a caricature of a President, and nothing more. These actions show his contempt for the Constitution, and it’s intent to keep the Citizenry free from oppression by their leaders.

    • Once again, you’re assuming he knew about it or ordered it. I’m surprised the pitchfork crew doesn’t blame Obama if a bird craps on their head.

      • It is quite clear that Obama knew about the Benghazi lies that were told. The lies were crafted to benefit is campaign. He probably approved the 12 versions of lies. As for the IRS he most likely did not know or he wouldn’t be howling so loud about it. Now to the Associated Press Nixonlike espionage, his AG Holder knew. Holder reports to the President. If the President did not know about that it is because his direct report withheld the information from him. It’s like this dude. The President either is a liar or he hired liars to run the departments of State, Justice, and Revenue. Where does the buck stop in your world? Do you want a figurehead or a president that can actually lead and govern?

        • Witch hunts do happen. The Benghazi thing has become and unhealthy obsession. The motivation behind murders being terrorism or revenge for a video seem kind of like one in the same to me. Who cares what the motivation was? Hang those responsible and move on. That whole debate seems rather trivial. If the argument is over whether they failed to provide security, that is legitimate. From what I understand there was none available due to Republican led budget cuts. It was probably the State Dept simply dropping the ball, and the Secy of State has resigned. I can think if other Presidents who have dropped the ball in a much bigger way that I highly doubt you bitched so much about.

          • Man, you are one presumptuous Kool-Aid drinker if I ever heard one. Is your name Jay Carney?

      • You seem to believe Obama is without spot, keep deluding yourself,
        that he is robed in righteousness and beyond reproach if it makes you feel better. Some have a more realistic view of the man,–you think you do, while others believe they do. Such is life.

        • This guy, no doubt, voted for him, and is probably one among the throngs of imbeciles crying tears of joy during the “Yes We Can” speech.

          He will delude himself while maintaining his cognitive dissonance, telling himself his savior is an ambassador of peace while he expands the wars, is against torture and for due process while he keeps Guantanamo open, is against the war on drugs while he continues to throw pot smokers in prison, is for equal protection under the law while he targets individuals and groups opposed to his destructive policies…

          John Doe is like a dishonest grocer who has bought a cart of apples he later finds is rotten. To admit the apples are rotten means not only can he no longer continue to sell them in good conscience, but will have to admit he was a fool for buying them in the first place. He chooses to ignore the rot and continue advertising fresh apples.

          • Let’s produce some facts and then talk about these supposed scandals. I want to hear more like everyone else does. As to the other issues, you do realize anything he even mentions is dead on arrival right?

            • It looks like those emails released by the White House today have already proved that Jay Carney told an outright lie before Susan Rice went on TV and told another lie. These are people who speak with the President everyday. While it is possible he was kept in the dark, it is quite hard to believe. The AP Nixon tricks are another thing that was approved by someone who reports directly to the President. I guess he is oblivious to that too. The only thing I think he was out of the loop on is the abuse of power by the IRS. Obama was blindsided by that one. The real trouble is that he keeps putting dopes and liars into cabinet level positions. As I stated earlier, Barack Obama was not and is not presidential material. He is the Lord of the Flies.

          • Hahah…. The classic “he didn’t have a mandate” excuse. Total BS. He said in 2007-2008 while campaigning that within the first month of his administration he’d close down Guantanamo – something he absolutely has the power to do unilaterally as the Chief Executive – and he didn’t do it. Likewise, he could issue a Presidential Directive today that says federal agents under his watch will not enforce any marijuana ban – again something he could unilaterally do – but he won’t, and hasn’t. As President, he could pull all troops out of Afghanistan and all the mercenaries our of Iraq tomorrow (like he said he would do), but he won’t.

            You show very little education on what the powers of a president are. You excuse him for not doing the things he absolutely could do without Congress by falsely claiming he hasn’t had the opportunity. You are either dishonest, just plain ignorant, or you suffer most horrendously from my aforementioned cognitive dissonance.

          • You’re unabashedly biased and, like Limbaugh, want America to fail rather than Obama succeed. You must understand why I would put little stock in what you think. What’s the alternative? Mitt Romney? Would he have done the things you mentioned? Voting in this country is picking the lesser of two evils. Or you could talk until you’re blue in the face and try to get Ron Paul elected and then you realize he’s a crazy racist and unelectable.

            • Glad to see you admit that Obama is evil. I thought for a while you thought he walked on water.

            • What do you think about that racist preacher who ministered to President Obama for all of his adult life until he was inconvenient to have hanging around politically? Speaking of racism the Reverend Jeremiah Wright really took the cake yet our President sat there saying “Amen Brother” for over 20 years.

          • Mitt Romney has nothing to do with this one, bud. For your information, this “biased” guy you’re talking to thinks Rush Limbaugh is a neo-con joke and resigned from the Vanderburgh County Republican Party because I didn’t like Mitt Romney and could not in good conscience support him.

            I hope for your sake you stop picturing yourself as on the “right” side of a one-sided coin one of these days and wake up.

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