Report of Receipts and Expenditures for the Weinzapfel for Mayor Committee


The City County Observer has obtained the disclosure statement filed by the Weinzapfel for Mayor Committee with respect to fundraising and expenditures. Mayor Weinzapfel’s team raised a total of $536,058 dollars last year for the purpose of seeking a third term as Mayor of Evansville. The Weinzapfel for Mayor Committee spent $367,930 of those dollars in efforts to improve the Mayor’s chances for re-election. Mayor Weinzapfel still has $774,905 that was contributed to his committee for the purpose of running for a third term as Mayor of Evansville. Now that he has announced that he does not want the job we wonder exactly what will become of the money that he raised to spend on extending his time in the third floor office on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

You may examine the 264 page list of contributors and the expense records on the following link.
It is a very large file, so it is hosted on filefactory.


  1. I wondered why I didn’t recognize many of the donor names. Then I went back at looked at the addresses. Many (most?) are not residents of Evansville, or even Vanderburgh county.

    Who and why are these people buying the mayorship of Evansville ???????

  2. Lots of money in, lots of money out.

    Lots of money from out of the city limits, lots of money sent to DC and the Indy Central Committee.

    Lots of money to “Cardmember Services”, which seems to be just paying a credit card balance – government “transparency” at its finest!

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