By: Elizabeth Gordon
Don’t Wait for Perfection to Rollout
If you try to anticipate and account for every last detail of a new process of initiative you may find yourself stymied by fear, indecision and overwhelm. Relax into the knowledge that very few things ever get executed absolutely perfectly the first time around, yet they work out just fine anyway. Getting the experience under you belt of trying something new is a big win in and of itself. This tip echos one of the great pieces of advice Bestselling author Emily Giffin gave at the LittlePINKBook event: let go of perfectionism, and get over trying to be flawless in every area. Do your best, it will always be good enough.
Replicate and Repeat, Rather than Reinvent
Successful businesses know how to fine tune what works and do the same good stuff over and over again. Economies of scale are built through repetition. That hum of a finely tuned machine running is the sweet song of profits rising. If you are always trying to do something brand new, you’ll never be able to exploit and build equity from all that experience you’ve been building up. Focus on what works, then start planning on how to do it over and over and over again, getting better each time.
Take Advantage of Every Opportunity to Talk about Your Business
Ready or not, as soon as you walk out the door, potential PR awaits. In fact these days all you have to do is open up your laptop or answer your cell phone. In the social media mania world of today, you need to have your chic story down pat and be able to spin into it in a heartbeat with confidence and class. The best media mavens know how to combine polished professional with girl next door relatable to create trust in less-is-more sound bites that make you memorable, quotable and mentionable.
Elizabeth Gordon, founder of Flourishing Business, the conduit for commerce, and bestselling author of The Chic Entrepreneur: Put Your Business in Higher Heels teaches a simple methodology and holistic strategy for success to businesspeople around the world. Want to grow your business with style, elevate your perspective, prosper in peace and flourish? Get a f.r.e.e. subscription and tune in weekly for the Chic Perspectives Show.
most useless column ever.
She is right on the money. Nike said it best “Just Do It”.
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