Rep. Sullivan responds to State of the State address



holli“I applaud Governor Pence, who shared many of the same concerns my colleagues and I have expressed, during his State of the State Address. Whether we are discussing employment, the health of families or preschool education, it is important to work together in order to make Indiana a better place to live and raise a family.”


“Indiana’s business climate is one of the best in the nation, and we must continue to keep our state competitive in order for Hoosier businesses to expand and grow. Most importantly, we must always work together to improve our state, and I was delighted that the governor expressed his continued commitment to making Indiana the best place to live for Hoosier families.”


  1. Looks like my magic republican BS decoder ring is going to get a workout this election year!

    I shamelessly cheered Governor Pence’s speech who shares many of the same contributors my colleagues and I do. I support whatever it is he said during his State of the State Address. Whether we’re discussing employment, the health of families or education it is important that republicans force Hoosiers to accept the crumbs that are left over for them. Hoosiers should get ready for another satan sandwich handed to them when we shift business taxes over to individuals. Hoosiers work hard for their money and we make sure it gets taken right back with one of the most regressive tax systems in the country.

    Indiana’s environment is one of the worst in the nation and we must continue keep our state easy for the oligarchs to operate in. Pay no attention to the events in West Virginia or the West Texas Chemical Plant, those horrible liberals are always trying to spin conspiracy theories and make my benefactors responsible for their actions! I was delighted that the governor expressed his continued commitment to ALEC’s ultraconservative agenda and to making Indiana one of the best places in the world for corporations, oligarchs, CEO’s and other 1%er’s.

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