Rep. Bacon responds to recent Obamacare announcement


Ron Bacon

State Representative Ron Bacon (R-Chandler) issued the following statement in response to the announcement of the delay of a key provision of Obamacare:

“Two weeks ago, I chose to write my weekly column about the unintended effects of Obamacare. I expressed my concerns upon seeing many companies in Indiana cutting employee hours or cutting jobs all together in order to get around the employer mandate to provide health insurance. Yesterday however, we learned that a key provision of the Affordable Care Act has been delayed by one year.”

“I am very pleased to see this delay and simply regret that it did not come sooner. I’m afraid that for many Hoosiers, the damage has already been done. I consider this delay a small victory; but it doesn’t do anything to change what has already taken place.”


    • There is only one real Turtle Man in Kentucky and your dude may look like one but will never have the class of the real one.

  1. Here is what the Indiana Hospital Association thinks of it:

    If Indiana chooses to expand the state’s Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act, the state could see up to:

    406,717 new Medicaid enrollees in Indiana through 2020
    $10.5 billion in revenue from the federal government
    $108 million in state and local tax revenue each year
    $3.4 billion in new economic activity in the state, supporting more than 30,000 jobs through 2020
    $236 in savings for individuals and $677 for families in annual health insurance premiums beginning in 2014

    • Santa is coming with another bag of goodies kids! And since Obama’s…oops, I mean Santa’s former chief-of-staff is now Secretary of the Treasury, the tab is on us. Crank up the printing presses boys. Remember nothing larger than a hundred now.


      • I’ll never forget when someone asked John Snow, Dubya’s Treasury Secretary how he would like to be remembered.

        He said, “I’d like my signature to be on the $500 dollar bill.”

        There is no $500 dollar bill.

        Evidently, you get a nut voting for people who say this:

        Former Treasury Secretary John W. Snow has told the New York Times that he, along with the entire Bush Administration, simply “forgot” that people had to be able to “afford their house.”

        Case closed.

        • As it is right now we are a damned sight worse off than we were ten years ago. At least the last President respected the Rule of Law. The incumbent makes s**t up as he runs this country into the ground.

          • No one with a functioning brain could disagree with your post. Obama is a national disaster.

          • Dubya said, “A warrant must be issued before someone can be wiretapped in this country.”

            At the same time he was saying that, warrantless wiretaps were being performed with his approval.

            You may want to ask Valerie Plame just how law abiding the Bush administration was.

            p.s. Tell JoeBiden anyone with a functioning brain would have remembered this.

          • Reggie is right. Bush no more respected the rule of law than Obama has. Both have violated the Constitution. They have both attempted to usurp more authority for the executive.

          • Yes, lets all forget or discount the significance of what happened to this country on 9-11-2001. Lets all forget about the very broad “emergency” powers that must naturally reside with the office of the president.

            On the whole I am satisfied that GWB took the fight to those assholes, rather than waiting for the next attack. Does the emergency powers of a president sometimes trump the 4th amendment? I will leave that one to the US Supreme Court to mull over.

            With the event that took place in Boston, it is evident that along with wiping out foreign rat nests, we need to weed out some foreign rats right here at home.

            How are you going to accomplish that little trick? Maybe we should ask Mr. Snowden to share with us his plan for accomplishing that task if he was suddenly tapped to be head of national security.

            All I know is that the GWB administration never had another domestic attack after 9-11-2001.

            Another thing I admired about GWB was that he was not a damned socialist bent on increasing the welfare state.

            Do you think there will ever be a point when Barack Obama will stand on his own two feet and accept responsibility for his actions, or will he continue to point his finger at GWB for everything that goes wrong in his own world?


        • ReggieRomo —Do you truly believe that John Snow did not know there was not a $500? That kind of statement by you totally blows any creditability you think you have on anything. I suggest you hang it up.

          • Thanks Johnboy.

            If you are the “Truth Cop” on these threads, I think I will.


          • Just one more, do you think Brownie was doing a “heck of a job” in New Orleans?


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