Renovated Rupp Arena would meet UK’s needs and Save up to $215 Million as compared to building new


Lexington’s Mayor Jim Gray has been advised by a consortium of four consulting firms that all of the needs for the University of Kentucky’s basketball team for the next 50 years can be met by renovating Rupp Arena at a cost of $110 Million to $130 Million as opposed to a figure as high as $325 Million to demolish Rupp and build a new arena.

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  1. I like the implication you may be intending to make, but I’m not sure you can make an apples to apples comparison on the feasibility of renovating Roberts Stadium vs. Rupp Arena.

    Or are you saying that 25 years from now they could be tearing down and replacing Rupp Arena and people will be complaining that the renovation was supposed to last them 50 years? If so, that sounds familiar.

    • All of the above. The most obvious of course is that while any one consultants opinion can be bought a group of them come up with real choices and a real choice for Lexington is to save 65% of the cost and do a refurbishment.

      • You should educate yourself on the Evansville project, learn the process used in determining the best course of action to take and how the project was going to be paid for without raising property taxes.

        • That wouldn’t fit neatly into the CCO bloggers’ vast Wein-ring Conspiracy Theory.

  2. There is a zero percent (0 %) chance that UK will refurbish Rupp to last for another 50 years ! Did I mention that this is freakin’ UK BASKETBALL ? They will build a palace that is second to none. I would recommend that Lexington also pick up an NBA team for filler when the Wildcats aren’t playing. Trust me, there is so refurbishment forthcoming, you can’t sell a refurb to the recruits !

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