Reminder: $4.25 Million in Medicare Part D Checks in the mail


The Department of Health and Human Services has put $4.25 million in checks in the mail to Hoosiers with disabilities and seniors. Some Medicare Part D beneficiaries will be mailed a one-time check for $250 to help close the “donut hole” in their prescription expenses. The donut hole coverage gap refers to people with prescription drug expenses between $2,830 and $4,550 a year, who receive less assistance from Medicare.

Unfortunately, some people are using this government aid as an opportunity to scam seniors and people with disabilities. These checks go out automatically, and there is no application process. If anyone calls asking for personal information to help you apply or to verify your eligibility, it’s a scam. Some scammers may try to reach you via Internet ads or even in person. Do not give out your personal information.

For more information:

Download a Medicare & Healthcare Reform Fact Sheet here:

Call 1-800-Medicare or visit .


  1. Seniors,

    Don’t forget to thank Hu Jintao, for financing your donut hole plug.

    And thank a youngster that will carry the interest payments on that debt the rest of his/her natural life.

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