Reitz Media Specialist Receives May Cause for Applause Award



Robert Hammonds, media specialist at Reitz High School, is the EVSC’s May Cause for Applause recipient. The EVSC’s Cause for Applause award recognizes employees who go above and beyond normal job duties.


Numerous employees at Reitz point to Hammond’s ability to go above and beyond to create a fun, welcoming library environment for students. Fellow co-workers say Hammonds is an invaluable resource for teachers and students alike and always goes to the next level to provide resources teachers need most.


Most recently, Hammonds hosted a week full of events for National Library week, including movies, puzzles, games, a mini golf course, and much more. “He spend countless hours preparing for National Library Week,” said Bobbie Bell, teacher at Reitz. She also says that Hammonds inspires “all of us” to promote the love of reading.


According to other nominators Hammonds also purchases or acquires donations for free giveaways and prizes for students during National Library Week and works to ensure sure students enjoy their time in the library. “Students and faculty alike anticipate this week like Christmas,” said Erin Weikert, teacher at Reitz.


Hammonds has worked for the EVSC since August 1972.


Anyone can nominate an employee of the EVSC for the award. Deadline for nominations is the third Friday of each month. Go to for the nomination form. Paper forms are available at the schools for those without access to the Internet.