Home Community News Reitz Class of 1960, 56th Reunion

Reitz Class of 1960, 56th Reunion


A Gathering of Classmates
Come one, come all – Graduates and Non-Graduates.

On Friday October 7 2016, the Reitz Class of 1960 will gather at Howell Shelter House, on Barker Avenue, for food, fellowship and fun.  A very nice catered meal will be served at 6:00 pm. Sodas, coffee and water will be provided.

We will begin our festivities at 4:00 pm when the PA system will be available for announcements and introduction of classmates.  Group photos will be taken before dinner, so come early, bring your cameras and best smiles.  A memorial of our deceased classmates will be presented after dinner.  Come on time and stay late; we can’t wait to see you.  Our numbers are decreasing each year so we must make every effort to be together as often as possible.


  1. Thank you City-County Observer for helping to spread the word about our reunion.

  2. Don,
    I do not have any record of registering for this reunion, but my wife Judy and I will be attending.

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