Todays READERS POLL question is: If the election was held today for United States Senate who would you vote for?

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  1. From the WP ” She activates a spell cast on Donald Trump decades before at his wedding, which causes everything that comes out of his mouth to sound like the racist, sexist ramblings of a deranged conspiracy theorist. Trump tries valiantly to lay all her activities bare to the American people, but people cannot hear his truth through Hillary Clinton’s powerful cloud of witchcraft, which she uses to summon women everywhere whom he has wronged.”
    Sounds close.

  2. TRUMP ON GETTING BEAT (He’s not good at it.):

    “Trump? He’s feeling impotent. And in his mind, he’s getting outmaneuvered and outflanked by a woman, and he can’t believe it. And the Trump supporters, they’re frustrated. He sees they’re not happy. So what’s his reaction? He runs out there saying every ridiculous crazy thing that comes into his head, flailing away. We shouldn’t really be covering this like he is saying serious things. He’s not.

    He’s just a guy that’s been cold-cocked. He can’t believe he’s been hit. His mouth is bleeding, and he’s starting to call everybody names, and he looks stupid in front of his supporters. It’s really pathetic.
    He just got hit. That’s all. He got hit in front of the entire United States. And now he’s like a guy who started a fight, and the other guy punched him back, and his mouth is bleeding. And he’s crying. And yelling and calling people names.
    He looks small. He looks like a loser. He’s weak. He’s losing the election. He’s not doing well.
    And what’s his reaction? It’s he just flails away out there. That’s all this is. He’s just losing and taking it poorly. He’s reacting poorly because he’s getting the crap beat out of him.”

    • (….by the way, Rush Limbaugh spent an HOUR of his show yesterday whining to his audience how “yes, he was still gonna go on and do his show after Clinton beats Trump.” Oh, the martyr.
      And we can expect the clown, drunken OJ Jurors, Pressanykey and JoeBiden to do the same. “He was so good in his commercials. No way OJ killed her. My wife loves OJ.”
      No one, NO one is more responsible than Trump backers for putting Hillary Clinton in a position to fill the SCOTUS. NO one. John Kasich as the nominee, an actual Republican? This wouldn’t even be close.)

  3. Since I cannot stand either candidate I choose to vote for None Of The Above!

    • I’m not thrilled with either of them, but one is a deranged danger to the world and the other has a mediocre track record. I’m going for Mediocre Hillary over Dangerous Donald.
      This election cycle is come-uppance for me. I have long made fun of the elderly Tea Party ladies who “fear for my country” in the hands of the Kenyan Muslim demon Obama. I’m now wearing that shoe, along with many of my old liberal ladies friends. We fear for our country in the hands of a narcissistic madman.

      • She steals the election from your candidate and gives her operative a job after she has to step down from the DNC and the most you say is she is mediocre. You are very obedient. I mean loyal.

  4. How can anyone go from being a board member of a bank that was convicted of, and fined, $1.9 Billion for money laundering, to being appointed the Director of the FBI? That is what James Comey was able to accomplish with the aid of the U.S. corporate media that would not go anywhere near this story because the bank involved, HSBC, was also the bank of choice for the Clinton Foundation to launder their foreign donations of a shady nature. James Comey is/was on the board of the Clinton foundation too!

    As soon as Bill Clinton stepped off of that plane in Phoenix he should have been placed in handcuffs and frog kicked to the nearest jail, I think that act might have given James Comey the message that the Clintons do not own America.

    Instead the citizens of the United States were forced to witness another episode of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s corruption of our country’s government! The totally corrupt Clintons are the two most dangerous individual on planet earth, and this current administration has done everything possible to enable them.


    • My God.

      Press……they’re gonna post your name in Websters to give examples under “DESPERATE” and “PANIC”

      • Don. Press is trying to make up for yesterday when there was on comments section to post in. He is in over drive today. Sad but true. Press is going to melt when he finds out Donald Trump didn’t win the Presidency. So sad.

  5. The Courier has an interesting article this morning, showing Gregg up on Holcombe 12 pts and Bayh up on Young by 6. I doubt that either has a lead that strong, but I don’t doubt they’re leading. Polls are showing Trump leading Clinton, but only by 4 or 5 pts, which means she may actually win Indiana if the trend keeps going where it is now headed.

    • Terrorism is terrorism, Laura. What is your point? Do you really expect someone to defend those people on this blog? You have become an unforgivable thing: not interesting.

      • But she is ACCURATE……disaffected.

        Kinda important.
        (Which is why you have to divert, and call her boring instead of disagreeing.)

        • Accurate about what? She’s trolling Joe Biden wanting him to defend moral maggots in Kansas. I’m VERY ACCURATE about that, which makes her boring and tedious.

          Where’s the diversion, Supposed Republican?

  6. This is what happens when civil discourse is thrown out the window.
    The I’m right and nobody can convince me otherwise mentality is so prevalent
    on both sides is the main problem.
    Whatever happened to I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it?

    • ……I don’t see ANYONE in here seeking to restrict speech….SCORCH, who is doing that?

      Pointing out a fool’s work (which is what Press’ frantic, panicked, desperate comments are) is free speech. So is Pressanykey’s cowardly, character-abandoning posts supporting Trump.

    • I think the lack of civility is based on what is at stake here. In the past, most people had the attitude that if the other side won, the country would survive and we’d have a “do-over” in four years, This time, I’m not so sure.

  7. Hey Ron Cosby –
    It’s “WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND TODAY?” not “WHATS…”. WHAT’S is a contraction for WHAT IS. WHATS is the the plural of WHAT although I’m not sure what a plural WHAT means.
    And it’s “Today’s” not “Todays”. “Today’s” is possessive, “Todays” is plural.

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