Red Cross Needs Our Help


    Red Cross Needs Our Help

    by Wendy McNamara

    Hospitals and critical care facilities nationwide are facing a dangerously low supply of blood. With more than 45,000 units needed daily, I encourage Hoosiers to consider donating.

    Donating blood saves lives and ensures patients can receive critical care. This is especially important right now as the low blood supply is causing many hospitals to alter or postpone treatment for some patients.

    Recently at the annual Statehouse blood drive, I made a donation and welcomed Beth Sweeney (pictured), the new executive director for Southwest Indiana Chapter of the American Red Cross, to our Capitol. State legislators also honored the American Red Cross with a resolution, which I co-authored, recognizing the work of the nonprofit.

    To learn more about the American Red Cross, including where and how to donate life-saving blood, click here. 

    The Red Cross offers many volunteer and training opportunities, as well as important information on emergency preparedness.On behalf of our community, I want to thank the American Red Cross and its volunteers for saving lives across Indiana. Â