Recap of President Trump Rally


Recap of President Trump Rally

Now that the Make America Great Again rally is over and President Trump is on to other events 44News caught up with the Evansville Police Department to talk about security outside of the Ford Center.

There were 18 different local, county, and state agencies with more than 360 officers in total. About 200 of those were from the EPD.

Sergeant Jason Cullum says out 14,000 people only two arrests means, for the most part, everyone was able to promote their beliefs in a safe way.

“Kudos to the city workers, the Ford Center, and all their staff, overall, you know, week and a half ago nobody knew the president was coming and here we are a week and a half later and we’re able to look back and have a positive, you know, recap of what happened,” says Sgt. Cullum.

More than 11,000 people attended the rally making it the largest crowd the Ford Center has ever hosted.
