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    • Joey, Joey, Joey – First of all, Nielsen is the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Breitfart is playing word games calling her the “Homeland Defense” secretary as some nod the defending the homeland like in Nazi Germany

      Next, this 1 million BS that you and Breitfart and everyone else is pandering is utter nonsense based on ignoring statistical forecasting. Border Patrol Southwest Border Apprehensions shows (per fiscal year of October to September) the following exact numbers:

      2018 – 396,579
      2017 – 303,916
      2016 – 408,870
      2015 – 331,133
      2014 – 479,371
      2013 – 414,397
      2012 – 356,873
      2011 – 327,577
      2010 – 447,731
      2009 – 540,865
      2008 – 705,005
      2007 – 858,638
      2006 – 1,071,972
      2005 – 1,171,396
      2004 – 1,139,282
      2003 – 905,065
      2002 – 929,809
      2001 – 1,235,718
      2000 – 1,643,679

      This is a median value over a 19 year period of 540,865

      So after five months of FY2019, there would have to be 739,956 apprehensions for FY2019, more than a QUARTER MILLION MORE than an ENTIRE YEAR of usual apprehension! The numbers have been DECLINING steadily for years

      Loony Lindsey and the rest of the right-wing Trumpers are trying to use the just-released “statistics” for February to try and extrapolate that the number will be over 1 million for the year. However, that is laughable since it is an aberration for a monthly “number” and does not follow normal statistical calculations

      Math is clearly not a strong skill Trumpers have, so here is a breakdown of every month of every year from FY2000 thru FY2018


      • For the first time in its history, the U.S. government is detaining more than 50,000 people it says are undocumented immigrants in jails and prisons around the country.

        According to a figure provided to Capitol Hill and made available to The Daily Beast, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has set an all-time record–the latest in its string of broken records concerning immigrants detained–is 50,049 people as of Wednesday, March 6. The figure includes both single adults and whole families behind bars.

        It’s an increase of approximately 2,000 people in the month-plus since Jan. 30, when ICE, it previously told The Daily Beast, was detaining 48,088 people. And it’s just another 2,000 people shy of the 52,000-person daily detentions ICE is asking Congress to fund in its next budget.


    • First of all, Nielsen is the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Breitbart is playing word games calling her the “Homeland Defense” secretary as some nod of defending the homeland

      Next, this 1 million BS that Breitbart and everyone else is pandering is utter nonsense based on ignoring statistical forecasting. Border Patrol Southwest Border Apprehensions shows (per fiscal year of October to September) the following exact numbers:

      2018 – 396,579
      2017 – 303,916
      2016 – 408,870
      2015 – 331,133
      2014 – 479,371
      2013 – 414,397
      2012 – 356,873
      2011 – 327,577
      2010 – 447,731
      2009 – 540,865
      2008 – 705,005
      2007 – 858,638
      2006 – 1,071,972
      2005 – 1,171,396
      2004 – 1,139,282
      2003 – 905,065
      2002 – 929,809
      2001 – 1,235,718
      2000 – 1,643,679

      This is a median value over a 19 year period of 540,865

      So after five months of FY2019 there would have to be 739,956 apprehensions for FY2019, more than a QUARTER MILLION MORE than an ENTIRE YEAR of usual apprehension! The numbers have been DECLINING steadily for years

      Loony Lindsey and the rest of the right-wing Trumpers are trying to use the just-released “statistics” for February to try and extrapolate that the number will be over 1 million for the year. However, that is laughable since it is an aberration for a monthly “number” and does not follow normal statistical calculations

      Math is clearly not a strong skill Trumpers have, so here is a breakdown of every month of every year from FY2000 thru FY2018


    • Trump Shrugs Off Dismal Jobs Report As A Blip

      So while Orange Caligula and Loony Lindsey all play Chicken Little over the February numbers at the Southern Border, they want to ignore other numbers and pretend they mean nothing

      Trump on Friday called the economy “very strong” just hours after the Labor Department monthly report for February showed an unexpected and dramatic slowdown in hiring

      Employers added only 20,000 jobs in February, the smallest monthly gain in nearly a year and a half and far short of the 180,000 predicted. The weak report was released amid signs of slowing economic growth and was a stark contrast to the 311,000 jobs added in January, which Trump lauded as a victory

      Experts have warned economic growth could slow considerably this year, especially if consumers, investors and businesses show signs of caution. A weaker global economy and a trade war with China could also bring the almost 10-year run of economic expansion to an end

      White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow on Friday morning called the most recent jobs report “very fluky” attributing its unexpectedly low results to timing issues related to the government shutdown and “I wouldn’t pay any attention to it to be honest with you”

      So numbers from the Labor Department should be ignored, but numbers from Border Patrol are sacred and accurate. Yeah, gotcha


    • More proof of the right-wing acceptance of white supremacy and Nazi sympathizers. David Duke is a disgusting person who is the epitome of the racist right-wing “white power” tactics of Trump and his supporters. The right-wingers talk smack about Duke when it fits their politics, but praise him when they think they can use what he says.

      Admit it, Joey, this is just further proof of how disgusting the rethuglicans are

    • Wow, Joey, the number of right-wing tropes and racist dog-whistles by LowBrowPolitics is pretty shameful

      hysterical leftists
      desperate for attention and sympathy
      mental delusions of extremely low IQ individuals
      victim narrative
      deranged woman
      whose IQ must be even lower than that of Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)
      racial victimhood
      mentally ill woman
      racism that only seems to exist in her pea brain.
      diversity is not our strength

      I noticed you and the GOP goon squad at LowBrowPolitics left out a critical part of the Newsweek story:

      When McPherson attended a town meeting after the incident, she learned from her local law enforcement personnel that there had been additional threats. The Mayor pointed out a police officer who came to her and said “There’s rumors out there that they’re going to assassinate you”

      If a White mayor had reported this, it would have never made national headlines, and your type would have blamed it on Antifa or Black Lives Matter with the usual white propaganda

      LowBrowPolitics cannot even publish original writings since they cut and pasted the Newsweek article and just inserted their racist comments

      Maybe you should petition the CCO to allow you to have a KKK avatar next to your screen name

      • Dr. “Rachel” McKinnon, a biological male, professor and transgender activist said this week that excluding men from women’s sports is like excluding black women.

        “It’s obviously transphobic,” McKinnon said.

        Recall, “Rachel” McKinnon is a man who won the women’s cycling world championship in October of last year — all he had to do was show up and say he was a woman named Rachel and next thing you know he’s the world champion….

        A woman named Jennifer who ended up in 3rd place in the race was furious she got bumped out because a biological male entered the women’s 35-39 cycling event.

        “I was the 3rd place rider. It’s definitely NOT fair,” Jennifer Wagner, a hand surgeon and competitive cyclist said.


  1. After reading RR’s posts and AOC’s ignorance, I long for the Democrats who actually make sense. Bandana, where are you?

    • Bernie, agree with AOG’s ignorance, but this Ilhan Omar is acting stupidly

      Rep. Ilhan Omar slams Barack Obama’s message of ‘hope and change’ as a ‘mirage’

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