Todays READERS POLL question is: Should City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr tell the pubic who is the consultant and what he is being paid to administer the Employees Health Care  program?

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  1. Here’s what RCP has up so far today.
    Trump was up all night tweeting ridiculous things. At best that isn’t “presidential”, but it also indicates that he has a serious health problem. Does he suffer from insomnia, or is he having a manic episode? In either case, sleep deprivation clouds judgment. It is especially dangerous for a man of his age.

    • At his age he has to stay up all night to get it up.

      Just one of those things….

    • And Hillary’s people were up all night taking hammers to subpoenaed evidence, but tweeter war will decide who is president. Stupid.

    • Yep, it’s final;

      Send me your address and I’ll send you a 55 gallon drum of Xanax or I doubt you’ll be watching any election results come November.

      10 to 1 you were reading Mop Head’s tweet at 3AM this morning also.

      This guy is going to kill you even before he gets the opportunity to kill the rest of us.

      Believe me – 100% and beyond….

  2. EDITOR – You might want to correct your error in the poll question. I don’t think anybody wants Russ telling their “pubic” anything. I hope you meant ‘PUBLIC.’

    • Editor’s grammatical and punctuation mistakes amd misuse of words are usually harmless. Annoying to anyone with more than an 8th grade education; annoying but harmless. But the one today certainly takes the cake. And not even by a hair…

    • Just saw him down at the public baths, lecturing the pubic. Had a little dais set up and everything. He was holding court. It was awful.

      • No, some kook put an article to that effect on reddit, but Nate Silver doesn’t have any “poll work prodct.” He is a forecaster who uses aggregates of polling to make a forecast and make odds on the outcome of anything people can bet on. He has everything to lose and nothing to gain by “slanting” a forecast.
        RCP also doesn’t do any polling, but forecasts based on reliable polls, as does 538. They use different formulas and both are pretty accurate as a rule. Take a look at the upper right hand corner of their home page, although they don’t update as often as 538.
        Btw, how long do you think a 71 year old man can do without adequate sleep before he has a serious health event?

        • The Beast still has to survive Putin’s best shot, probably occurring in 3 weeks or so, but she’s going to win the election wire to wire.

          What Nate Silver says is probably about what’s going to happen. They put off attacking him for as long as they could. They will now endeavor to fight a huuuge wall of irrefutable numbers. It will be sad to watch.

    • What “judges order”? Judicial Watch is just a conservative “Watchdog’ organization, with no authority to order anyone to do anything. Regulator must be right about you having been up all night. I’m pretty sure the “Judge’ you’re referring to has NO jurisdiction in the email case and will be ignored as a kook.

        • “On August 19, U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan granted Judicial Watch further discovery on the Clinton email matter and ordered Clinton to answer the questions “by no later than thirty days thereafter….” Under federal court rules, Judicial Watch is limited to twenty-five questions.”

        • Yes, and it appears that the District Court Judge, likely a partisan member of Judicial Watch, doesn’t have the authority to order her to do anything. Best case scenario is that it will be appealed and tied up in court. I wouldn’t hold my breath on this. I’m pretty sure she has lawyers to handle it.

  3. What the city is offering for health plan options compared to the for profit world is very generous. Elections have consequences and the rising deductibles are most definitely an artifact of the election of 2008.

    Premium increases have not changed much but the out of pocket numbers have skyrocketed. Tell me how employer paid healthcare of 20,000 can be sustained in a place that has an average income of $32,000. The bottom line is it doesn’t and it won’t.

    • Public employees (teachers, firemen, policemen, military, etc.) used to accept lower income as a trade-off for job security and better than the general public (and non-taxible) benefits (better health plans, better retirement/pension plans, longer vacations, earlier retirements full benefits, health insurance provided after retirement, fewer work hours, even salaried positions that had paid “comp” time or time off, etc.). Now these public employees want the same income that their general public peers receive AND want to maintain the status quo of their “feed at the public trough” benefits.
      Sorry boys and girls, if you want the same income as the general public then you need to acceot that your benefit package will be the same as the general public and not the Cadillac you’ve been used to in the past.

    • If that was Hillary trying to pull it up it might have put a little life into her old tired body, for a few seconds anyway.

      • No doubt she would have had to change pantsuits. Especially the pants part.

        JoeBiden always starts the conversation on here anymore since Tom Joad ll flew the coup and if you check out his first link it will force you to not want to open anymore throughout the day so I would suggest that suggestion for you.

        But yes, that link was worth seeing twice. And pulling up political yard signs is as American as eating turkey at Thanksgiving.

        and beyond….

  4. PPP is only one of dozens of polls figured into RCP and 538’s forecasts. Nate Silver gives it a rating of “B+”, based on an 82% accuracy out of 383 polls, and a mean-reverted bias weight of D+ 0.2. In other words, even if the article is right, it doesn’t come near to tipping the overall outcomes in the forecast.

  5. One half of the most immoral couple to ever hit Washington D.C. is now trying to sell her faith?

    How pathetic. It is as if she thinks people do not know anything about her and her past. Is there anyone on the planet who does not know about all of the Clinton scandals? Is there anyone on the planet who does not understand that Hillary Clinton thinks that laws do not apply to her?

  6. Editor
    One more time. Any comment on political signs on right of ways. I don’t like to keep asking but you said you would comment on this issue last week. You were quick to jump on several candidates in the primary for this but you seem to let several candidates slide this time. Let’s treat everyone the equal

    • Waldo

      Would you be so kind to re-send me the location of these signs so we can go and see what your talking about.



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