We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? WHATS ON YOUR MIND TODAY? 


Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that the FOP endorsement of Stan Levco for County Prosecutor and Jeff Hatfield for County Commission will greatly enhance their chances of being elected to that position?

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  1. “The Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus closed its tents last year after a hundred-plus year run. The new circus, replacing the last generation of clowns and freaks, is called the United States Senate.

    Dubbed the “greatest deliberative body,” the U.S. Senate has now become a cross between the Jerry Springer show and a teenage mean-girls slumber party. Rather than taking direction from the U.S. Constitution, the Senate now is a government version of the television reality show Big Brother. In this show, a group of contestants live together, isolated from the outside world, conspiring, harassing, and bullying each other in order to be the last shrew standing, taking home the grand prize.

    The Constitution clearly spells out the role of the Senate in selecting Supreme Court justices. Article 2 dictates that the president “shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint … Judges of the Supreme Court…”

    Advice and consent means that Senators can provide input, question nominees about their future role as a Supreme Court Justice, then vote to approve the nomination. Typically, presidents are given deference to make nominations, and as long as such nominees are not clearly unqualified, to confirm these nominees to the court.

    Nominees are usually confirmed without much fanfare, even those who are ideologically out of the mainstream, such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, confirmed 96-3. Barack Obama’s two nominees were confirmed, but by a closer margin, Elena Kagan 63-37 and Sonia Sotomayor 68-31….

    Most Americans never heard of Brett Kavanaugh until his Supreme Court nomination. Circuit court judges are hardly household names. Once nominated, Kavanaugh received a barrage of negative press. After all, he was nominated by President Trump who himself receives over 90 percent negative media coverage.

    The Hill declared, “Brett Kavanaugh is a threat to women, workers, and the environment.”

    The New York Times warned, “The Kavanaugh Accusation Is Dangerous for the Pro-Life Movement.”

    Fortune cautions, “Why Brett Kavanaugh Is a Huge Threat to Minority Rights.”

    I could not find any headlines warning of Kavanaugh’s threat to children and pets but I’m sure they are out there. But you get the point. Just like coverage of Trump, Kavanaugh news is all negative all the time.

    Other than political and news junkies, such as American Thinker readers, few know who Kavanaugh is and if they only get their news from CNN or NBC, they would have heard nothing other than that Kavanaugh is a reprobate pig on par with Donald Trump. Of course, they would have a negative impression of him….

    That is what is really on the line here. Not Kavanaugh, but the midterms. If Democrats win the Senate, Gorsuch will be Trump’s last nominee, even if he serves two terms. Who will stop them? Paul Ryan? Mitch McConnell?

    Democrats are laying tripwires for Republicans to bungle the nomination, piss off their base, and scuttle their chances of keeping control of Congress. These polls are just another trap. I hope the GOP Senators are paying attention.


  2. Let em go or inept H would not begin to hear the BS story floated by Ford. Why is it that any accusation immediately finds the male guilty? Having investigated similar cases, there is NO evidence to proceed. Ford has a story, but ZERO credibility. No witnesses, no memory of when where or place. Come on, this is a Dem fabricated Bullshit lie. No police or prosecutor would give this a second glance. If you believe this is a crime according to DiFi, the biggest farce in the Senate, I have land east of Palm Beach I will sell you. How would you like an puppet, with selective memory, not backed by a living soul, who blames her Dr for mistranscribing the notes, to blame your husband and dad of such a “made up” Left Wing, travesty of justice? I think I got assaulted many times in high school!!! Enough, she can be heard, but there is not one shred of fact to back it. Why is Kavanaugh’s word not enough. 6 background checks, no incidents. Come on!!!

    • This whole deal should scare the dog out of any parent with a male child. Any false accusation by a female is taken as factual and could lead to loss of freedom, reputation, finances and employment. Liberal women have turned into the biggest threat against democracy and the point of law this country has ever witnessed. If I had a young son I would stress strongly to avoid women and never be alone with one without a witness and stress their tendency to lying and strong exaggeration. I would label these under survival techniques. Would love to hear Levco comment on this, a vote for a democrat is a vote against males and the republic.

      • Levco and Donneley need to publicly speak against the Judge Kavanaugh persecution. If they don’t they are the same as Pelosi, Hillary and Watters.

  3. I remember when 5 police officers were killed in Dallas not that so long ago and it brought out an American I so wish was leading our country today.

    This guy canned 72 undesirable asses in that organization leading to death threats etc. etc. etc. But he prevailed;


    If you’ll read the whole link, you’ll understand why this comment by this man is so gosh damn impressive to me that I totally believe instead of a “Space Force”, we need an agency totally committed to destroying any SOB that makes death threats to any individual in this country. With the penalty when caught being – By By Idiot – For Good.

    Anyway, this man’s remark will stay with me the rest of my life;

    “Become a part of the solution,” Brown said during a Monday news conference. “We’re hiring. Get off that protest line and put an application in. And we’ll put you in your neighborhood, and we’ll help you resolve some of the problems you’re protesting about.”

    If only….

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