Readers Forum September 23, 2016



Todays READERS POLL question is: Do you agree with Dan McGinn, Mayor Winnecke and City Council that they should reduce the Homestead Property Tax Credit from 8 percent to 6 percent for 2017?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. Refugee fraud is “easy to commit” and much tougher to detect, Homeland Security officials acknowledged in an internal memo made public by members of Congress Thursday that challenges the department’s own assurances as it seeks to increase the number of refugees from dangerous countries. The U.S. has relaxed requirements for refugees to prove they are who they say they are, and at times may rely solely on testimony. That makes it easier for bogus applicants to conspire to get approved, according to the department memo, which was obtained by the House Judiciary and Oversight committees. The memo said there are clear instances where “bad actors … have exploited this program,” gaining a foothold in the U.S. through bogus refugee claims. The revelation comes just a week after the administration said it was boosting the number of refugees it wants to accept next year to 110,000, up from 85,000 this year. Officials also said they’ll take more Syrians than the 12,000 they’ve accepted so far this year — and they are on pace to resettle as many as 30,000 in 2017.

  2. Where is Don Becker these days. Did he just leave the CCO or did something else happen to him? I’ve not see a post from him in a week now. He use to debate JoeBiden almost daily for a while there. And Bandana is missing in action too.

    • coyotehunter, wondered that also. Mr. Becker had so deeply channeled Hillary that I just hope he had not also channeled her physical maladies.

  3. Another senseless shooting in Evansville last night. I’m a Pro 2nd amendment person and believe in the right to bear arms in order to protect our country and to make sure that our country is not taken over by a tyrant and that we maintain our forum of democracy. But I also believe that owning a gun or a firearm comes with a lot of responsibility to not go around shooting innocent people. Although we are allowed to own a gun we should not be using that gun to shoot people with. Not unless it’s for self protection from someone or something trying to do harm to us.

    With all the looting and carrying on in South Carolina the past three days it’s getting out of hand until the Mayor and Governor called in the State Militia or the National Guard. And these guys are weekend warriors from the community. They train once a year for a couple of weeks but other than that it’s only training on the weekends. So the police have more contact with these instigators and protestors than the National Guard troops do..

    I still remember the Kent State Protests where the National Guard troops open fire in innocent students and killed some students who were standing by and watching some demonstrations against the war in Vietnam. Those days were so long ago.

    • Many of the pistols used in senseless killings are illegal guns. These street punks either steal the guns or buy them from someone who did. No laws will prevent such things.

      • Have a friend who is a pro gun person says you can buy any type of gun at these gun shows. Not inside the event but in the parking lot out of the trunks of cars.

      • I agree with you joe. But Donald thinks that stop and Frisk took a lot of illegal guns off the streets in New York City when it was applied. While I agree it would take a lot of guns off the streets we would first have to change the US Constitution before we can do that. So I don’t agree with Donald John Trump on the stop and frisk idea. I believe in the bill of rights and the right to bear arms (2nd amendment) and the first amendment (Freedom of speech and the right to not be stopped and search illegally.

        What I do believe in is jailing people that illegally shoot other people with guns. Guns used in self defense are fine. Guns used to commit crimes are not. I think that there is a difference.

        Like you said we can’t keep the guns out of the hands of criminals. But good people would turn their guns in if required. Then the good people would be defenseless against the bad people who didn’t turn in their guns or got more guns from illegal sources.

        Still I wish that our EPD could catch more of these bad guys that are shooting up the town. There are people who could come forward and help the EPD put these bad guys in prison but they fear the bad guys more than they fear the EPD. So the shooting go on and on.

        I just get sick and tired of seeing this all the time in this small town. It was not so prevalent years ago. Or maybe it was not publicized so much back then?

        • Press: the lady in the clip you posted needs some extra magazines for her gun. She did a good job. I sleep with my 9 mm next to me at night. It has 19 rounds and I carry extra magazines with me at all times unless I have to go into the hospital or doctors office. I won’t go to the Ford Center as they don’t allow guns in there anymore. I would never go downtown at night without my carry pistol.

    • I’m watching the video that the lady took and it’s been shown on cable TV all day today. The guy shot in Charlotte SC was her husband who suffered from brain damage due to an accident. I too would like to see the Police Videos if they have some. So it’s hard to tell who started this. Three policemen are surrounding a guy in a truck and end up shooting him. In Tulsa OK a police woman shot and killed a man and she is being charged with murder now. Her partner shot the same guy but used a Taser instead. She has some explaining to do I guess. Police have a hard job and they risk their lives on a daily basis trying to keep the rest of us safe from bad guys. They see a lot more bad guys and bad stuff in life than the average person does. And they take a lot of crap from many people all the time. They get shot at and run over and stabbed. So they have to be on the defensive at all times to make sure that they come home to the wife and kids every night. They have a tough job. But no one made them choose that life. They also have to follow the laws just like everyone else. And with everyone having a smart phone with video and audio capacity these days it hard to do something without being filmed doing it.

      Right now I’m not sure what started the problem in SC or was it NC? But I’m getting sick and tired of the looting and crime that accompanies these so called peaceful demonstrations. It’s not a peaceful demo if you are taking over the streets and intersections with hundreds of people. It’s not peaceful when you burn police cars and break store front windows out and run in and steal the goods. I would recommend that the National Guard start shooting people that break into these stores and steal and rob the stores and threaten other people with harm.

      Now I’ve heard people ( Police Sergeant) tell the media that a big percentage of the people arrested by the police in Charlotte NC were from out of town. They had out of town ID on them at the time of their arrest the second night of the riots in Charlotte, NC.

      So I guess I have to wait and see what the Police and other investigations show us in due time


      “A year ago, I pledged to endorse the Republican nominee, and I am honoring that commitment. And if you don’t want to see a Hillary Clinton presidency, I encourage you to vote for him.” (Ted Cruz)

      • “The man is utterly amoral, the man is utterly amoral. Morality does not exist for him.” – Ted Cruz

        “You could hook him up to a lie detector and he could say one thing in the morning, one thing at noon and one thing in the evening all contradictory and he would pass it because whatever lie he is saying at the time, he believes it.” – Brother Cruz again

        Get Outta Here Lyin Ted.

        I’d rather be dead than Lyin Ted. – Mop Head


    • Jeb Bush has not endorsed Trump. His crazy son, the toothy George P. did though, ending his political career. Rafael Cruz is the second craziest person in the United States. He was #1 in his beloved Canada until he motored. Like Trump, he’ll never be president.

      • I had developed a tiny speck of respect for him because he didn’t endorse the man who insulted his wife and father. I was so, so wrong.

  4. Electing this woman:

    President of the United States would definitely be a heading in the direction of a government like “Red China”! She already considers herself above the law. She and her husband have a history of people around them disappearing when they become a liability to the Clintons, and like “Red China” she would like nothing better than total control of the media. And just like “Red China, she doesn’t like the United States of America.

    • After she loses the election both Clintons will no doubt flee the United States in order to avoid prosecution.

      • Nope.

        They’ll keep on saving millions of lives with their foundation, all politically motivated tax payer funded inquiries will cease, (not needed anymore), and they will be happier helping raise their grandchildren than they ever have been in their life.

        Hell who knows, Hillary may even let Willie try Yoko Ono on for size!

        So there….

        • Really? They are going to try painting themselves a Ward and June Cleaver? My you really do have a sense of humor.

    • That is total BS Lie. You are worst that lying Trump. How low can you guys go?

      • You may be right about it not being Obama. It is more the type of thing the Clintons would do.

  5. Pressanykey
    It’s the type of guns they sell out of the trunks of the
    cars. You can buy and sell, trade all the hand guns, rifles and shotguns you want. No problem but it’s the guns that are made for one reason, to kill people that are being sold in the parking lots of the gun shows.
    And yes I know that a act of violence can happen to
    anyone. And you should be the last person to call anyone smug.

    • Sure, I wonder why King George III didn’t think of that? “Alright, you American Colonists can keep all your weapons that can not be used to kill a human, we will take all the rest.” It would have been so simple. Of course we would not have a Country.

        • thank GOD….…………..…………………………………………………………………………..

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