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  1. Developing….

    “Trump left stained Hustler magazines with Pornstar Stormy Daniels on the cover, and soiled panties and condoms in the Green Room at the Ford Center last week.”

    • it is sad when our country has a person in the white house with such low and degrading morals, that is likely a true statement. i mean trump brags about grabbing women by their genitals. i can’t believe im even writing that, but it is not fake, its real

      • You’re just jealous because Trump can do it, get away with it and you can’t. Historically women have pursued Trump, his reputation as a real man is unsurpassed. I do believe that he did not adequately explain himself with his, ” grabbing them by” remark. He doesn’t understand that most standard model men do not have women licking their lips, flipping their hair and doing hip thrust at them. This means he didn’t have to reach out and grab them, it was placed in his hand. I’ve always enjoyed going to concerts and watching the women in the from row floor level when a male performer is on the stage. I saw a women almost completely bare herself to Trace Adkins. Go ahead, envy is part of the liberal culture, envy them because of their wealth or because they’re extremely sought after by the opposite sex. Blame your mom and dad, not Trump.

  2. Al Gore alert. Who could have known the sun was more responsible for heating the planet than your SUV?

    Earth is set for BIG FREEZE as sun goes BLANK for majority of 2018

    THE sun has been void of sunspots for more than half of the year as scientists believe the Earth could be in for a huge cold snap.

    The last time there was a prolonged solar minimum, it led to a ‘mini ice-age’, scientifically known as the Maunder minimum – which lasted for 70 years.


  3. Democrats set a new low for poor taste at the McCain funeral. Most democrats can be found in the DSM under self destructive personality disorder or sexual dysphoria. We should all thank a democrat for Trump being president. The say they hate him but do their best to keep him in the public eye.

  4. More good news! “Trump Has Changed How Teens View the News”. The main steam media has been exposed as propaganda machine for the left wing Democrat party. That is why the left is suffering from Trump derangement syndrome when real Americans ignore their nonsense and, even teenagers, think for themselves.

    “Since President Trump took office, he has relentlessly attacked the media. He’s shunned individual reporters, referred to the press as “the enemy of the American people,” and popularized the term “fake news” to denigrate credible articles. Meanwhile, public trust in the press is at an all-time low. According to a recent Knight-Gallup report, only a third of Americans view the press positively.

    There is increasing evidence that this skepticism, exacerbated by the president’s relentless attacks, is trickling down to the next generation of voters. A 2017 report on a series of focus groups with 52 people between the ages of 14 and 24, conducted by Data & Society and the Knight Foundation, found that many young Americans believe the news is biased and are skeptical of its accuracy. “There was no assumption that the news would convey the truth or would be worthy of their trust,” the study reported.

    Teenagers, in particular, appear to be increasingly questioning the credibility and value of traditional media organizations. In interviews with The Atlantic, teens expressed great skepticism about the accuracy of the mainstream media, reiterated Trump’s biased characterization of many news sources, and said the president’s outrageous tweets have become so much a part of everyday life that they’ve morphed into catchphrases.”


  5. Hollywood Elitists and Trump Protesters Will Be Horrified When They Learn What Buzz Aldrin Said About the American Flag in 2015……………………………………….

    My proudest moment – when I saluted the flag on the moon. Today I salute those who gave their lives for our freedom. pic.twitter.com/HxkSreDN9z

    — Buzz Aldrin (@TheRealBuzz) May 25, 2015

    To Aldrin, that flag stood for America. And America stands for freedom. That’s not the liberal storyline today, and just the idea would likely horrify the Hollywood elite.

  6. President Trump may well receive a second nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize for his deft handling of the Palestinian situation. He terminated the Obama era US aid that ended up supporting terrorists like Hamas.

    ” The Trump administration seems poised to help bring real and lasting peace to the Middle East by recognizing the long-ignored reality that the Palestinian “refugee” issue is a giant fraud perpetuated by the Palestinians together with the United Nations.

    According to several reports, the Trump White House is planning to issue a policy paper capping the number of Palestinian “refugees” at about 500,000, which is one tenth the number claimed by the UN. The U.S. administration is also reportedly set to reject the UN’s definition of a Palestinian “refugee,” which scandalously differs from the way all other refugees are officially categorized by the international body and is clearly designed to perpetuate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Already in January, the Trump administration slashed aid to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the UN body that ministers to the Palestinian “refugees.” On Tuesday, Foreign Policy magazine cited sources saying the U.S. has decided to stop funding UNRWA altogether, an overdue move given that UNRWA’s very existence only fuels radicalism and Palestinian intransience….

    The Palestinian “refugee” issue is one of the most potent weapons utilized by the Palestinians against Israel. The Palestinians use their “refugee” status to threaten Israel’s existence by demanding the so-called right of return, meaning flooding Israel with millions of Palestinian and foreign Arabs considered Palestinian “refugees,” thus threatening the very nature of the Jewish state. If the “refugee” problem is ever solved, the Palestinian Authority’s main trump card against Israel will be taken away and they know it.


    • A woman was driving down a curvy two lane road and when passing a man coming from the opposite direction yelled pig! The man immediately yelled bitch! The man went around the next curve, hit a pig in the road and died.

      Moral to the story; If a person just won’t listen but insists on getting their information from Breitbart, life can actually be a bitch,


  7. Biden’s posts are like they’re put up by a teenager in a chat room. Desperate, cause he’s gonna lose it all.

  8. Wake up. Nearly every picture presented by the media uses one face playing multiple roles. Train your eye by comparing one facial feature at a time from the same angle. Google image cast of any movie or tv program, beauty pageants, astronauts, rock bands, etc., anything presented by the media.

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