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Todays“Readers Poll” question is: If the election was held today in District #2 for the Vanderburgh County School Board which two (2) would you vote for?

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  1. MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell may get fired for this truthful analysis:

    She also noted that Trump has not named “any of the others who have been targeted, including former Presidents of the United States, and former cabinet members and intelligence members” when mentioning the bomb threats….

    Mitchell also noted that “no one is suggesting that the president is in any way responsible for what one individual American may or may not have done.”


    • “no one is suggesting that the president is in any way responsible for what one individual American may or may not have done”

      You may not be suggesting that Ms. Mitchell, but I am.

      When one is mentally unhinged they are more prone to taking in words and ideas from people they identify with. There are perhaps thousands like this man in trump’s rallies.

      Trump stokes the fire of hate and discord and sends that message to all within earshot.

      The weak-minded then take those words and act on them.

      Trump may not have made the bombs, but he planted the seed.

      PS-This is a weak attempt to distract from Kelly getting canned at NBC. Give that up

  2. Once again the right-wing hysteria machine, both nationally and locally on this website, have been proven wrong in their defense of Trump, as the arrest today of a right-wing supporter shows it WAS his rhetoric that was a reason for the domestic terror attacks of the last few days.

    Police and federal authorities have taken into custody a Florida man in connection with a series of pipe bombs delivered to current and former Democratic officials. He is 56 years old and has been identified as a registered Republican with a criminal record that includes being previously investigated for bomb threats.

    In arresting him authorities took his white van into custody, his vehicle covered in political stickers. These stickers celebrate Trump and have dozens and dozens of bumper stickers with images and phrases directed the targets of the bombs including one that says “CNN sucks” and pictures of President Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and others with cross-hairs over their images.

    His social media pages also shared numerous anti-Semitic memes. He frequently posted conspiratorial pro-Trump messages on social media or made threats to Democratic leaders, including some who would later receive potentially explosive devices in the mail this week.

    More information about this right-wing suspect and his involvement with right-wing politics is continuing to surface, including images that show the suspect at Trump events before the election.

    Trump supporters, especially the ones on the right-wing media channels which have tried to deflect his guilt thru the use of “false flag” claims just show how they are to blame for this type of domestic terror and the attempts to assasinate Americans they disagree with.

    The longer the right-wing defends the violent rhetoric of Trump and his ilk, the more they fade into the dustbins of history.


    • Pitiful effort to portray an obviously deranged individual as a typical supporter of President Trump. Where was your outrage when the deranged Bernie supporter names James Hodgkinson shot and nearly killed Congressman Steve Scalise at the Congressional baseball game? Where was your outrage during the numerous ANTIFA riots?

    • Lol…………cnn sucks…………..…that van man was a work of art…………….how you can drive around and not be able to see out the windows for all the fuk dems & MAGA is great stickers is amazing……….just sayin………………..

  3. “Republicans don’t do things like this!” that was Rush Limbaugh’s widely repeated claim regarding the pipe bombs directed to Democratic leaders by MAGA Bomber terrorist. Where “things like this” doesn’t include bombing over 40 abortion clinics, or the Atlanta Olympics, or the Murrah Federal Building.

    Limbaugh was far from the only right-wing source flying their “false flag” high over the last two days. Fox News chief conspirologist Lou Dobbs spent Thursday posting and deleting tweets that insisted that the bombs were “fake” and followed with an evening show insisting that it was all a plot to distract from the “accomplishments” of Trump. Trump jumped on the same conspiracy train Friday morning, with a tweet where he disparaged the use of the word “bombs” and called it “very unfortunate” that this “stuff” had come along just as Republicans were “doing so well in early voting.”

    Throughout the whole affair, Trump has supported the conspiracy theorists by:
    (1) refusing to call devices containing explosive material “bombs”
    (2) refusing to name those targeted by the bombs
    (3) continuing to blame the media for the “anger.”

    And just because a Trump-supporting, MAGA hat-wearing rally-goer has been arrested don’t expect that to quiet the Pizzagate Q-Anon trolls of the right. We have already seen numerous right-wing talking points in the last 48 hours:
    (1) He’s a plant who isn’t actually a Republican
    (2) He’s a Muslim in private
    (3) He forsook Jesus
    (4) He’s crazy
    (5) Those stickers on his van were placed there by the FBI
    (6) Look over there–Mexicans!
    (7) We only care when dark-skinned people do dangerous things
    (8) We’ll talk about his appearance until you forget this even happened
    (9) He’s a patsy!

    The fact that multiple people posted images showing the right-wing domestic terrorists van and himself both in Florida and at Trump events over the past two years doesn’t even put a dent in the assertions that this is all a Deep State Setup! Why should it, when any evidence that doesn’t fit the alt-right worldview is clearly Fake News?

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