One of our readers sent us this video link titled “Rigging The Election'” and ask us to post it.  We do so without opinion, bias or editing.  In fact, after viewing it we are sure the content shall spark some heated debate among our readers.  Attached is the link for your review and comments.


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  1. Exposed how the DNC and their surrogates incited violence against Trump supporters:

    “Foval also explains how the operation is set up to allow the DNC and the Clinton campaign “plausible deniability” in the event that the true nature of the deliberate violence is discovered: “The thing that we have to watch is making sure there’s a double-blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what we’re doing. There’s a double-blind there, so that they can plausibly deny that they heard anything about it.””


  2. IT IS CLEAR at this point…….that Pressanykey and JoeBiden’s guy, Donald Trump, is NOT INTERESTED in trying to win the Presidency by expanding voters beyond the 38% of the guys screaming and yelling at his rallies: members of the White Men Nationalist Party.

    Trump’s strategy is to create resentment, fan the flames of hate, create conspiracy lies…and hope the bony, skinny dogs who “buy the lies the rich, private school, import steel buying, NYC playboy who says he is one of them” is selling. They do buy it. They are the perfect example of “guys totally willing to be exploited.”

    Add to the 38% and win the Presidency? No. Hell no. F-YOU!
    (This is a perfect example of Pressanykey and JoeBiden’s posts here, BTW. Pure, stupid, ignorant posts from drunken OJ Jury Members. “I loved those OJ Hertz Rent-A-Car commercials. No way OJ killed her. No way!”)

    Women Voters? (“Hell no! Truth? I wish women couldn’t even vote! That new woman boss is a b-tch.”)
    College Educated Men and Women – Suburb Voters? (“You people are gonna get what’s coming. F’n liberals.” Never mind they ain’t liberals. Trump makes them hate college people.)
    African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, anyone who ain’t white. (“You people aren’t Americans. Leave. Shouldn’t let them vote.” Never mind they ARE Americans Never mind they ARE citizens. Trump says they aren’t real Americans, and the White Nationalist Members actually believe that.)

    Enjoy the next 20 days boys. Your spoiled, little boy credit card gets turned off November 8th.

    • Typical Becker Ready for Hillary hissy fit. Now back to real news:

      Clinton Campaign Tried to Limit Damage From Classified Info on Email Server
      Podesta emails show campaign researched leaks on drone strikes, North Korean nukes to deflect criticism

      Among those who trafficked in the classified information were Clinton aides Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and Jake Sullivan, and five people not in the State Department, including Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal.

      FBI Director James Comey, in a controversial decision, announced July 5 that while Clinton and her aides were “extremely careless” in mishandling highly secret information, he did not recommend that the Justice Department prosecute her on charges of mishandling classified information.

      The FBI had, however, found signs that “foreign hostile actors” had gained access to some of Clinton’s private emails after hacking an associate’s email account.


      • It will be interesting to see what is on the second video when he releases that one. The perps have left themselves wide open criminal charges in this current video, including conspiracy charges. Some of them WILL be going to jail.

  3. Just filled out my ballot. I voted for Karen Wallace for president. At least two others will be as well. A choice between a demagogue and someone who should be on trial is not a choice. At the end of the nasty ass campaign, I find myself clearly in both the #NeverHillary and #NeverTrump camps.

    • If you think it gives you moral superiority, Joe, fine. But the next president will be either Trump or Clinton, so, in actuality, you contributed nothing. This election and campaign is about the electorate being too stupid and lazy to care about who shall lead their country for the next four years, so I shall do as much damage control as possible while holding my nose and breath. I will cast a vote that will count.

      • Wasn’t really thinking about moral superiority. I just couldn’t bring myself to smudge the ballot for either of the party anointed candidates for the reasons above. I have never thought Hillary was a good choice even though her carefully constructed resume makes her look qualified. That old adage of “you can’t make a good deal with a bad person”, pushed me away from her in spite of her on paper qualifications.

        I tried hard to like Trump and did for a while, but he just can’t seem to keep me interested. If he had the self control not to get distracted by every little threat to his manhood, I may have moved his way. His tantrums have convinced me not to vote for him.

        Johnson doesn’t seem interested enough to learn enough to do the job, and Stein is just not aligned with me.

        I chose someone I love and trust to vote for. Maybe several million people will do the same. We really need a do over.

        • Well, I can’t really find any fault in your reasoning, but I’ll still have to vote for the whinny child of privilege over the lady who appears to be even more corrupt than anyone ever thought. She makes Nixon look like a mischievous child compared to her.

        • Rather surprised you didn’t vote for Johnson, but I did see that he had spoiled on you some.

          It’s Karen Wallace for me. Might be fun having a friend as “first lady.”

    • Joe:

      I am sorry that Donald Trump does not reach your level acceptability for a candidate, but in my estimation he is head and shoulders above the corrupt and immoral Hillary Clinton, and he is not tied to the Washington establishment, which is another plus, in my view. Also, Donald Trump’s people have not participated in anything like what is depicted on the Okeefe video linked above, or setting fire to local democrat headquarters.

      In my view you are wasting your vote, and certainly not doing anything to stop the business as usual cronyism in Washington that Hillary Clinton represents. Candidates without any ties to establishment cronyism do not come along every day. I am willing to give Trump a shot at it.

    • Joe, I’ll hold my nose and vote Trump for promised nomination of conservative Judges to SCOTUS. Hillary could nominate Loretta Lynch, Pocahontas, Eric Holder or even the great Chicago Constitutional Law Prof. Barack Hussein Obama. Too scary to risk.

  4. RCP doesn’t have much up yet today. ttp://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/

  5. This is Nate Silver’s forecast if the election was today. ttp://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/

  6. Daily Caller News Foundation
    Activist Who Took Credit For Violent Chicago Protests Was On Hillary’s Payroll
    Photo of Blake Neff
    Blake Neff
    8:28 AM 10/18/2016

    Activist Zulema Rodriguez, recorded in a newly-released Project Veritas video. [YouTube screengrab/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY] Activist Zulema Rodriguez, recorded in a newly-released Project Veritas video. [YouTube screengrab/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY]

    An activist who bragged about disrupting multiple Donald Trump campaign events in a recent Project Veritas video was on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign payroll, a search of Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reveals.

    In a Veritas video released Monday, filmmaker and provocateur James O’Keefe recounts meeting activist Zulema Rodriguez at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. In the video, Rodriguez takes credit for violent protests in Chicago that forced Trump to cancel a March rally.

    “So, [Aaron Black] and I did the Chicago Trump event where we shut down like all the yeah,” Rodriguez says in the video. Rodriguez also takes credit for an Arizona protest, also in March, that shut down a major highway outside a Trump event.

    Notably, a search of FEC records reveals that Rodriguez was paid by the Clinton campaign shortly before she disrupted the Chicago rally. The campaign paid her $1,610.34 as a “payroll” expense, and also gave her a $30 payment that is described only as “phone.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    [me] She is one who will be going to prison for incitement to riot.


    Bill Clinton’s Secret Service Agent Did IT Work for Hillary’s Server and Clinton Foundation

    8:30 AM, Oct 18, 2016 | By Jeryl Bier

    A Secret Service agent assigned to protect former President Bill Clinton performed “network assessments” and information technology troubleshooting for the Clinton Foundation and also provided research on security issues for Bill and Hillary Clinton’s email server in Chappaqua, New York. These revelations are included in FBI interview transcripts released Monday.

    Although the time period the agent (whose identity is redacted) was assigned to Bill Clinton’s detail is redacted, as well as the dates the agent worked for the Clinton Foundation, “he… assisted the Clinton Foundation in a case related to theft of information on the Clinton Foundation Information systems.” Yet while Reuters reported in August that the Clinton Foundation was concerned about possible hacking this year, there are no other media reports in prior years regarding stolen information from Foundation computers. The Clinton Foundation did not respond to a request for more information about the work conducted by the Secret Service agent.

    During his interview with the FBI, the Secret Service agent also related that he was contacted by Justin Cooper, a long-time senior advisor of Bill Clinton who helped set up the server at the Clintons’ home in Chappaqua, to assist with email security. The agent said he simply researched information on the topic which he then, per Cooper’s instructions, passed along to Bryan Pagliano, the State Department employee and former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer who was largely responsible for setting up the server for the Clintons. (more)……

    • Nothing like using the taxpayer provided secret service agent to the Clintons carry out their corrupt schemes!!!

      • “The taxpayers are actually reimbursing Trump for the travel of the Secret Service agents,” said Brett Kappel, a campaign finance lawyer at the law firm Akerman LLP.

        “It’s just another example of how the Trump campaign has taken an unprecedentedly large amount of its money and spent it at Trump-owned facilities.”

        A POLITICO analysis of FEC records found that, through the end of August, Trump’s campaign has spent at least $8.2 million at Trump’s own businesses, including to hold events at his hotels, buy food from his restaurants and rent office space for its headquarters in his Manhattan office tower.

        But the biggest chunk of the expenses, almost $6 million, were to TAG Air, Inc.

        Trump, who once said “I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it,” has attracted criticism for mixing business and politics to an unprecedented degree.

        Now, to a Trump supporter this Don’t Mean Sh$t. But if Hillary were doing the exact same thing, it would be “Lock Her Up!”

        It’s called politics Press. The most depressing, demoralizing excitement you’ll hate and enjoy till next election.

        Believe me….

        • You really are ignorant, how the hell does a ss agent assigned to a former president for his “protection” and doing IT work for that former president, compare in any way to the routine assigning of ss agents to presidential candidates? It does not. Hillary Clinton has cost the taxpayers, for ss agent coverage, probably more than any politician in history, especially when you factor in the world tour she hosted for her brat Chelsea!


    EXCLUSIVE: FBI Agents Say Comey ‘Stood In The Way’ Of Clinton Email Investigation

    Kerry Picket
    4:22 PM 10/17/2016

    FBI Director James Comey testifies before a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on the “Oversight of the State Department” in Washington U.S. July 7, 2016. REUTERS/Gary Cameron FBI Director James Comey testifies before a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on the “Oversight of the State Department” in Washington U.S. July 7, 2016. REUTERS/Gary Cameron

    FBI agents say the bureau is alarmed over Director James Comey deciding not to suggest that the Justice Department prosecute Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information.

    According to an interview transcript given to The Daily Caller, provided by an intermediary who spoke to two federal agents with the bureau last Friday, agents are frustrated by Comey’s leadership.

    “This is a textbook case where a grand jury should have convened but was not. That is appalling,” an FBI special agent who has worked public corruption and criminal cases said of the decision. “We talk about it in the office and don’t know how Comey can keep going.”

    The agent was also surprised that the bureau did not bother to search Clinton’s house during the investigation.


    HEADS ROLL: Democratic Operative FIRED After O’Keefe Video Exposé
    Bookmark and Share

    Posted Tuesday, October 18th 2016 @ 8am by Hannity.com Staff

    James O’Keefe has claimed his first scalp since releasing his latest bombshell undercover video.

    Scott Foval, the National Field Director of Americans United for Change–who can be seen in the video bragging about paying homeless and mentally ill individuals to cause disruptions at political events–has been fired from the organization.

  10. …….JOEB and PRESSANYKEY, you boys are all whooped up today!

    Kissing EACH OTHER and convincing yourself you’ve found true love.

    Your little boy credit card expires Nov. 8th. Daddy’s taking it away after that. Keep living it up.

  11. Here’s how desperate and low. low, low the liberal left will go in Indiana:



    The Indiana State Police are investigating what appears to be massive voter fraud and the liberal Super PAC now claims voter suppression. Very sad.

  12. THE SCALE of the whining from Trump about getting the crap beat out of him is stunning.

    Pressanykey and JoeBiden….the same. All whining. All the time. “The election’s rigged! Trump is losing! It’s not fair!”

    This is laughable and hilarious. November 8th boys….you get a gift: Four whole YEARS to whine. At least that will be AFTER the election.

    (I mean, whining BEFORE election day. How pathetic is that?)

    • VERITAS has stated that they will continue to release videos up to the day of the election. It looks like even more people will be going to jail.

    • I’m probably going to regret this, but I do wish you could explain your thinking to me about why it is okay for Trump to admit to criminal activity as he did in the Access Hollywood tapes and then “erase” that conversation by calling himself a liar. That’s kind of a big deal, but when O’Keefe gets a Demo operative on tape saying he committed a crime, would you excuse him if he said it was just “boy talk” and he really didn’t do it?

      I want to be clear here. I think the operative should have been fired and if there is evidence that he did what he said, he should go to jail. I just don’t understand why you give your choice for the leadership of this country a pass on the tapes. Evidence against him is mounting, you know.

  13. Still voting for Trump. Its definitely an up hill battle. The debate tomorrow should be great.

    • …….AT LEAST you are acknowledging your decision to vote for Trump is damaging to the Country. You deserve respect for acknowledging Trump is a dangerous fool, IVFT. Good job.

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