We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? 


Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that every member on the Evansville City Council will have someone to run against them in the 2019 city election?

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  1. Job Openings Shatter Previous Record, Reach All-Time High

    The American economy hit a record in August for the number of job openings, according to federal data released Tuesday.

    As of Aug. 31, there were 7.136 million job openings in the country, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The number eclipsed the previous record of 6.9 million job openings that was set in July, according to Marketwatch.

    The report also noted that 5.78 million Americans were hired in August. Both were record levels for the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS), which was instituted in 2000….

    The economy’s growth has been achieved despite a lack of information about the economy form the mainstream media, according to a new report.

    A Media Research Center analysis of media coverage about Trump from June through September found that of 1,906 minutes of air time ABC, NBC and CBS devoted to the Trump administration, 92 percent of it was negative.

    “Amid this sea of coverage, the networks spent almost no airtime — a mere 14 minutes, or 0.7 percent — on the administration’s economic achievements, including the positive effects of the tax cuts and deregulation, plus historic job growth,” MRC reported.

    We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.


    • An article from TWO right-wing blogs with no credibility is a method straight from the Trump right-wing playbook. Whenever a blog has to write an explanation that they are pretending to be “committed to truth and accuracy” you know that a Trumpian lie is coming

      “The Western Journal is a news and opinion website with story selection that always favors the right and is negative toward the left. There is frequent use of moderately loaded language in headlines. The Western Journal typically sources their information to credible media outlets, though story selection and wording usually spin information favorably to the right.” The MRC is a politically conservative content analysis organization funded by larger right-wing foundations.

      This so-called “study” by Media Research Center (MRC) is a right-wing blog attempt to claim that the “liberal media” uses only negative coverage, and simply regurgitates the usual half-baked lies that the media is overwhelmingly negative toward Trump

      However, their pathetic methodology can’t hide the fact that it’s not a valid one. Using terms such as “negative” and “positive” are subjective, which means difficult (or impossible) to quantify for the purposes of objective research. Given the MRC’s propensity to label anything and everything as “far left” means its sense of value judgment in research shouldn’t be trusted.

      The “study” fails to account for negative news reported objectively in its methodology. That means a negative story about Trump is classified as “negative” even if it was reported accurately and without bias. There’s also no comprehensive list of evaluated statements provided that would permit less subjective observers to evaluate their work.

      Finally, the MRC offers no baseline from which to judge the relative purported “liberal bias” of the networks. The MRC would never subject its ideological fellow travelers at Fox News to such a study. In addition to not wanting to jeopardize future appearances on Fox News and Fox Business by MRC talking heads, the fact is that even conservative-leaning researcher Robert Lichter admits Fox News’ coverage of Trump has skewed negative.

      Trump and the MRC really are in this together, given the fact that both have benefited from the largesse of right-wing philanthropist Robert Mercer and his family (Mercer’s daughter Rebekah is on the MRC board of directors). Bozell and the MRC are simply working the refs and pretending it’s “research.” They don’t want any negative coverage of their boy Trump.


    • So now the Trumpets are liking world organizations, even then that organization meets everywhere in the world EXCEPT the United States. Yeah, the UN is horrible, but the World Economic Forum (WEF) has things correct? The most recent year had them meeting in Africa, East Asia, Latin America, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, but NOTHING in America.

      The WEF is funded by its own membership, which includes those companies made up exclusively of 1000 of the world’s biggest multinational corporations with at least $5 billion in yearly turnover. There is NOT A SINGLE representatives of trade unions, public sector organisations, human rights groups, peasant or indigenous organisations, students and youth.

      WEF likes to project itself as a concerned global actor, distressed by growing inequality and concerned to build a progressive globalisation. However its own governing structures is dominated by the richest oligarchs and corporate executives obsessed with minimising regulations for corporate profits, so it raises questions about whose interests the WEF really serves.

      You actually think they give a damn about anybody other than the one-percent?

      The WEF’s main purpose is described as being “to function as a socializing institution for the emerging global elite, globalization’s “Mafiocracy” of bankers, industrialists, oligarchs, technocrats and politicians. They promote common ideas, and serve common interests: their own.”

      A study, published in the Journal of Consumer Research, investigated the sociological impact of the WEF. It concluded that the WEF do not solve issues such as poverty, global warming, chronic illness, or debt. They simply shift the burden for the solution of these problems from governments and business to consumers. They merely reframe the issues, and by so doing perpetuate them.


  2. To those third party voters, how has Traitor Trump gotten you closer to universal healthcare or a living minimum wage? He hasn’t even brought up our infrastructure other than to talk about privatizing it.

    The only thing Traitor Trump, Republicans, and his minions are interested in is the interests of the one-percent! They do not give a damn about anybody else, and their path of destruction will saddle the United States for generations!

    How about that debt and deficit ballooning that’s going to be a monkey on your back for decades? Interested in breathing in the future? Swimming in the ocean or eating fish? Having access to clean water without paying Nestle for it? Moving towards renewable, sustainable, and clean Energy? How’s all that environmental deregulation working for you, with the skyrocketing ramping up of corporate favoritism?

    With the rising rhetoric and chest-thumping (Bolton) have no place to go. Maybe that’s a good thing because Traitor Trump & the Republicans are working on ways to dismember Social Security, Medicare & our pensions.

    So it looks like you’ll be waiting at least another 20 years or more for any benefits for anybody outside the 1% club. ANd those 20 years are just what it’s going to take to get back to where we were 2 years ago, and that’s IF our country still exists by then!

    Maybe this year you could ditch the purity BS and vote for the interests of ALL Americans, and what is good for the country and the world! But as long as you lie to yourself that Traitor Trump is the answer, America (and maybe the world) is doomed

    Democrats aren’t perfect, but we’re not trying to destroy the country or your future!

    • The all tolerant liberal left resorting to violence against Republican candidates:
      Second Minnesota Republican reports being attacked: He said, ‘Go kill yourself’

      “A second Minnesota Republican has reported being attacked at a gas station by a self-proclaimed anarchist, two days after a Minnesota House candidate said he was assaulted at a restaurant by someone ranting about the middle class.

      State Rep. Sarah Anderson said she confronted a man Sunday for kicking her campaign signs near her Plymouth home when he inexplicably charged at her.

      “I said, ‘You can’t do that,’ and he said, ‘I’m an anarchist, I can do whatever I want,’” Ms. Anderson recalled in an interview with local CBS affiliate WCCO.”



      • California Democrat: Portrayed by Republican opponent as an Islamic terrorist sympathizer

        Ohio Democrat: Attacked for a part-time teaching gig at a Muslim high school

        Trump Terror Tactics: 9/11 was 17 years ago, but in an era when Trump has made fear of immigrants central to his political reign, Republican ad makers have seized on terrorism as a new weapon to wield against Democrats

        “The ads (largely produced by the Congressional Leadership Fund, a Super PAC associated with Speaker Paul D. Ryan) have frequently been criticized by fact checkers and national security groups as truth-stretching digital irruptions designed to rattle residents in districts where normally safe Republicans feel the hooves of disenchanted voters stomping toward them”

        “The ads almost unfailingly portrayed Democrats as dangerous and outside the mainstream”

        A Rhodes scholar with a Harvard Law School degree is depicted as a profane and “disturbingly radical” rapper. (He’s African American.)

        An ex-Marine gets an unsavory close-up of his tattoos and is accused of voting in the Maine legislature to allow others to buy tattoos with welfare funds (not quite).

        Two Democrats are wrapped up with terrorists in the ads, but neither claim adds up

        Conclusion is VERY clear: “Even by modern mudslinging standards, these ads by the Congressional Leadership Fund stand out for their dark tone and their strained relationship with the facts. These attack ads are grossly misleading”


  3. Admins & Editor

    Just wanted to send a BIG “THank You” for removing the physician article written by the Nazi sympathizer earlier today. Much appreciated you standing up against that

    • Apparently it is Faux Outrage Day for the right-wingers

      So, maybe we check to see what the bias/slant is for The Washington Times

      “slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words to favor conservative causes”


      “The Washington Times bias rating is leans right. The Washington Times has the slogan “America’s Newspaper” and targets center-right conservatives, even defining itself as a conservative news outlet”


      Interesting that you support a site founded by Sun Myung Moon, a North Korean religious leader, known for his business ventures and support for political causes.He claimed to be the messiah, and was the founder of the Unification movement, members of which considered him and his wife Hak Ja Han to be their “True Parents”

      “Widely described as a conservative newspaper, the Washington Times has published conspiracy theories that President Barack Obama was not born in America and that he was a secret Muslim, promoted conspiracy theories about the murder of Seth Rich (which the paper apologized for and retracted after a lawsuit), and published numerous columns that reject the scientific consensus on climate change. Also noted for its association with white supremacism, as it regularly printed excerpts from white supremacist publications, published laudatory pieces about white supremacists and the Confederacy, and published racially incendiary commentary”


      WOW, hitting all the white power fear points today

    • Doug, that is just too funny. A real Pocahontas descendant demands an apology from the fake Native American Senator. I hope the NFL Washington Redskins also demand an apology from Senator Warren. Maybe Warren will next lie about serving in Vietnam like fellow Senator Blumenthal.

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