Home Breaking News “READERS FORUM” OCTOBER 13, 2017




We hope that todays “Readers Forum” will provoke “…honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?”
 Todays READERS POLL question is: Are you pleased with the Evansville City Council and Mayor Winnecke’s decision to increase the County Income Option Tax (COIT) starting in 2018?
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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City County Observer or our advertisers


  1. Many of the budgets submitted to the DLGF for approval were returned to Vanderburgh county political subdivisions showing a reduction in their requested levy because of “insufficient projected revenues”.

    Well, obviously there are two paths an office holder can take when faced with the DLGF’s order: One is to reduce spending, and the other is to raise taxes. One requires management skills, the other can be accomplished by anyone off the street.

  2. So we will hopefully get a tax cut on Federal returns, yet because Evansville can’t reel in spending money it doesn’t have, ALL citizens in Vanderburgh County now get taxed to pay for the city’s lack of control. You can’t subsidise hotels, arenas and medical schools if you can’t pay your bills. Learned a long time ago you can’t write checks if you don’t have the funds. I ask you, why can’t the city follow the same lesson?

  3. Is anyone else outraged that the City is now planning to demolish Mesker Amphitheater to make room for a silly multi-million dollar penguin exhibit for the Zoo?

    • Carlos, this is very funny by good old Hillary:

      Hillary Clinton moved to take the heat off Harvey Weinstein Friday by outright calling President Trump a “sexual assaulter” – while roundly dismissing past allegations of sexual impropriety against her husband as old news.

      Clinton made the comments during an interview with BBC’s Andrew Marr, who asked about the allegations of sexual assault made against Democratic mega-donor and Hollywood producer Weinstein.

      “This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere, whether it’s in entertainment, politics,” Clinton said. “After all, we have someone admitting to being a sexual assaulter in the Oval Office.”

      Marr responded by pointing out Clinton has dismissed allegations made by women against her husband, former President Bill Clinton, that Trump highlighted during the hard-fought presidential campaign.

      “That has all been litigated,” Clinton replied. “That was subject of a huge investigation in the late ’90s and there were conclusions drawn. That was clearly in the past.”


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