Todays “READERS POLL” question is: How are you going to vote in this election?

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  1. Huma Abedin has violated her immunity agreement with the Justice Department and as a result no longer has immunity and could go to prison for perjury. That means that in order to stay out of prison and take care of her children she will have to agree to testify to what she knows about the matters under investigation by the FBI. That could keep her out of prison, unless she is found to have lied about any information she gives or withholds under this new investigation.

    Any reasonably intelligent person might conclude that Hillary Clinton’s fate is sealed by this recent turn of events, and it would be an exercise in futility, not to mention act against honest government, to cast a vote for Hillary Clinton.

  2. If the truth about Hillary was being reported like it would be if it was Trump, Nate’s 538 poll would have crossed like the X on a railroad crossing a week ago. She still might drift ashore before Trump, but her presidency will be beached like the SS Minnow. She truly needs to fear orange least it becomes her new black or her president. .

    • Come on into the fold Bandana. Either way you will be voting for orange. Today only for a $50 donation Trump will ride with us in the Studebaker while pick up girls. He is rich and they can’t say no to him, so I hear They might be old, slow, and ugly girls, maybe not quite girls at all, but mostly human, or were at one time. Bill and Epstein have the market on all the young ones holted up on Fantasy Island. Orange is the new black they say, and the black paint on the Stude’ needs a touch up, so maybe it will look hot in orange. Was some hot orange under the hood once. Dang Holly cabburators.

      • Can’t breathe in a fold. Well, some I can. Hillary will not see the inside of a jail. Don’t know of any law she’s broken. If I’m wrong about all that she surely-to-God has enough clout and money to get a purplish jump suit, more befitting her self destroying regality.

        At this point I’d almost guess the wily old streetwise Studebaker can self-heal paint chips if necessary. It is a special machine, not of this world. If the ‘Holley carburetor’ was one like Holley made for the Model T at the behest of Henry Ford, that’s good enough for me but apparently not the Stude. Yep, I made a carburetor related trip to Wiki (one stop shop for spelling of carburetor and the blurb about Holley).

        • Yeah double “B’d” by typo but the substitution of the a I own. Henry know a good carburetor when he met one, but the Stude’ sports as a Quadrajet now which is more customary to the Pontiac engine.

          Purple is a nice color. Symbolic that her past leaking into the present might by way of pardon not land her in orange, but it’s going to leave a bruise.

          Hang in there my friendly foe. If the children come out to play on the CCO November 9th, we will be alright. I will give Trump your regards and tell him to take his tin can elsewhere to seek indulgences.

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