Todays “READERS POLL” question is: How are you going to vote in this election?

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    • The New York Times also reported last night that the FBI has determined that there is no evidence to support the assertions that Trump has a direct communication line to Putin or any other Russian.

  1. I am mystified at the number of supposedly learned people who on railing about the “threat to our democracy” on the major networks. Did these people not study civics in the 9th grade as we people over 60 did? Defending something that has never existed is a badge of ignorance at best. We are a republic and hopefully we have the political will to keep it. The difference in a democracy and a republic lies in the fact that a republic follows the rule of law and a democracy is subject to the whims of an uninformed or self serving majority. We are,backsliding these days. I found the following excerpt this morning and wanted to share it.

    If you want to keep a republic, you have to sacrifice personal interest for the public good if you’re called on to do so. Those who choose to enforce the law, or to fight fires, or to serve in the military know that it may be their job one day to put their lives on the line. But the same is true for every citizen in small ways. In Latin American kleptocracies, the fellow whose job it is to turn off your gas when you fail to pay your gas bill takes a bribe instead, and passes most of the bribe up the line to his superiors. The secretary in a government office takes a bribe to hand you a form that you have to fill out to ship wood from Michoacán to Mexico City, which you then take to the office next door with another bribe, and so forth. Everyone is on the take. The system corrupts everyone. If you want to be honest, you emigrate.

    • Democrats do not use the term Constitutional Republic. They do not use it on purpose. They always use the term democracy because they believe in “majority rule”. Thank God the Founders of this Nation had the foresight to understand that rights can not be protected under mob rule.

    • Maybe rather than kneeling during the the Pledge of allegiance some need to read it. ” I pledge allegiance to the flag and to the REPUBLIC…”

  2. If you want to keep a republic, you have to sacrifice personal interest for the public good if you’re called on to do so. Those who choose to enforce the law, or to fight fires, or to serve in the military know that it may be their job one day to put their lives on the line. But the same is true for every citizen in small ways. In Latin American kleptocracies, the fellow whose job it is to turn off your gas when you fail to pay your gas bill takes a bribe instead, and passes most of the bribe up the line to his superiors. The secretary in a government office takes a bribe to hand you a form that you have to fill out to ship wood from Michoacán to Mexico City, which you then take to the office next door with another bribe, and so forth. Everyone is on the take. The system corrupts everyone. If you want to be honest, you emigrate.

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