Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do you feel its time for Mayor Winnecke to make a public statement concerning the Zoning Appeals Board rejection of an upscale Restaurant-Bar on West Franklin Street?

Also take time to read “BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. commie anti-America barry soetoro obama has lost his radical left brother castro the same month that the American people rose up and stopped little commie barry from turning America into a 3rd world shithole.…God bless America………….God bless Mr.Trump………………..

  2. I have set up a website for the libtards to donate for the recount of the great state of Indiana…………..…….www.buthurtlibtard@alsharpie.com…………………………………………….

  3. what happend to little wayne pecker and my special bud reg the regulator……….I have word from the streets in between the riots they are making a ekabe sandwich…………….

    • Hi tommy.

      The reason I haven’t been posting is back before the election I made a post that wasn’t vulgar or against any rules other than making someone like yourself upset and it wasn’t posted. So I figured I was banned again. I put a post on a couple days ago on a Paul Ryan thread that showed up but surprised me.

      So if this post shows up I’d like to educate you about the election a little bit. First off, you never ever ever want either Party to have total control. Never. Power corrupts but when you have a pathological lying into himself psycho leading the way with no oversight to reign him in, not good.

      This is what bothers me about the election for the future tommy. Paul Ryan is adamant about privatizing Medicare which means anyone 55 years of age or younger will have to pay $64,000 dollars more the first 10 years they are retired, ($128,000 per couple), than I do. If you will read an article in the C&P today in the business section titled, FOR SOME, TRUMP PLAN MEANS MORE TAXES, the last sentence states; And the richest 0.1 percent – those making above $3.7 million – would receive a bonanza: An average tax cut exceeding $1 million.

      Nothing against rich people, but I’ve seen this movie before. 70% of the future economy just like today is going to have to be generated by the people paying that extra $64,000 and it just isn’t going to work.


      Even today we still have something in common.

      I miss Becker also.


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